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Philippians 1:3

I WOULD LIKE TO thank my parents, Craig and Anna, and my parents-in-law, Chuck and Marilyn, for their support and encouragement throughout this process. They all graciously read early drafts and Take My Hand is better because of their guidance. I am also grateful for the interest shown by my brother, John, my sister-in-law Kelly, and my brother-in-law, Drew. Thanks to Paul Galbreath, not only for writing this foreword, but for reading a rough draft and offering helpful advice. Also Carson Brisson, Beverly Zink-Sawyer, and Frances Taylor Gench are all former seminary professors who have continued to be encouraging of my ministry. I hope that Carson reads the multiple allusions to his work as emblematic of my respect for him. I wish to thank all of the participants at the 2011 Believing in Writing workshop, including the staff at the Collegeville Institute, and especially Michael Dennis Browne for his attentive reading of chapters four and seven. Valerie Cooper pulled me through the program at UVA, and she inspired me to write as both a pastor and an academic. Finally, so many people have been supportive at New Dublin! As I say every Sunday, I am blessed to be here. This book is an extended “thank you” to each one of you. But I’d like to thank Richard and Frances by name for saying, “We want you and Ginny here.”

And speaking of Ginny, I am forever grateful.

Take My Hand

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