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Writing seems like such a solitary effort until it is time to consider all of the people who in one way or another are involved in the process. It’s much like the two professions in which I’ve spent most of my life: the theater and the church. Both are collaborative ventures requiring the passion and talents of many imaginative and creative people seeking Truth. I owe much, perhaps even my life, to both institutions.

In over twenty-five years of pastoral ministry, three wonderful congregations in Georgia, Washington DC, and Florida have afforded me patience, freedom, and love as I tried out bits and pieces of this manuscript in sermons and classes. My most sincere thanks go to the good people of Forsyth Presbyterian Church, Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, and Trinity Clearwater Presbyterian Church.

I would never have survived in ministry if not for the support and friendship of other pastors too numerous to mention individually. However several groups do need acknowledgment: the ecumenical coffee klatch in Forsyth, the Macon lectionary group, the Monday Macon group, the Capitol Hill lectionary support group, S-3 Cohorts at Columbia Seminary, and the Estes Park Pastors Retreat gang. Personal mention goes to my good friend and colleague Byron Buck, who is always there as a sounding board. I have unending gratitude for the friendship, support, and love of my colleagues, mentors, and brothers Philip “Skip” Dunford, Bill Owens, and Jeff Sockwell for over twenty-eight years.

There are several people who helped me with the manuscript by offering feedback and suggestions. Chief among them is my friend Sally Galbraith, who edited early drafts with keen eye and ear to help me find my writing voice, but more importantly the voice of Jesus in his stories. Also reading the manuscript and offering their encouragement were friends, colleagues, and mentors Walter Brueggemann and Joan Gray. Of course I must give thanks and gratitude for the fine people at Wipf and Stock Publishers for bringing the book to publication.

Mostly, I can’t even imagine this project coming to life without the loving support of my number one proofreader, editor, and soul monitor, my love, my compass, and life companion, Peg Walton.

Finally, I thank you the reader, for without you there is only one side to this conversation we call writing. I appreciate that you are already reading this, which tells me you are a fellow seeker and explorer of the mysteries and truths of faith. Thank you for coming along on this pilgrimage of discovering God’s Presence and Light in our lives.

Hidden in His Own Story

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