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Opening with an unbalanced hand


If your opening hand is unbalanced (i.e. the distribution is not 4432, 4333 or 5332), then you should avoid bidding no-trumps at your first two bids. We’ll consider these strategies in more detail later. For now, just remember that your aim is to describe your hand as accurately as possible to your partner, and if your partner responds in a new suit, you are obliged to bid again.

must know

• Introducing a suit into the bidding guarantees at least four cards in the suit are held by the bidder.

• A ‘fit’ means that a minimum of eight cards in one suit are held by the partnership.

Strategy for opening bidding (unbalanced hand)

With an unbalanced hand (not a distribution of 5332, 4432 or 4333), your opening bidding strategy should be:

The Times Beginner’s Guide to Bridge

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