Читать книгу Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world - Andrey Prudkovskii - Страница 11

Chapter 7. 22 – 13 years uew
Salvation of Ra


The Diary of Radek Kotlovanov

Yes! Such is my surname, and Valentina Semenovna Kotlovanova is my mother now. Everything that was in childhood was just a dream that must be forgotten! And I forgot it! I forgot about my father, who could turn into a dog, I forgot that I could turn into a cat. And aunt Masha, the only one who reminded me of my mother, unexpectedly disappeared then, in that tragic year.

Nine years passed, and nothing much happened. I was going to school, playing with friends, I was not very good at football, but I achieved recognized success in table tennis. With time I began falling in love with classmates, Lyuba as my sister was aware of my adventures. Sometimes she was jealous of me, sometimes she fell in love, and I was jealous. We saw mom only late in the evening: she became the director of the hospital, and her trouble increased. Semen Andreevich came to us several times. Each of his visits was accompanied by great turmoil because everyone was afraid of him, but not my mother, Valya. I remembered his first visit, just after aunt Masha disappeared. This disappearance angered him just insanely, but mother Valya even than managed to calm him down.

My adulthood, as it were, turned the whole world around me. First, an old notebook stirred up a childhood memory. And the next day, mother Valya brought a skinny girl to us. As she explained to us, the gypsies left her, because she was sick. Her name was Rose, and she never went to school. Mom Valya said that Lyuba and I should be her brother and sister and slowly prepare her for school. At least we had to teach her to read and write.

I cannot describe what I felt when I saw Rose. This thin tanned gypsy seemed to look into my very soul and turned everything over there. Lyuba also felt that something was wrong; her jealous resentment brightly flashed red sparks above us and then melted into Rose’s smile.

“I’m not your rival, little sister, but Radek is my brother too,” she suddenly distinctly told us on the usual mental channel that only the three of us had used until now: me, mom Valya and Lyuba. Lyuba and I became simply numb but Rose continued: “Now there are four of us here, and, according to the law of the four truths, we can safely move further along the path destined in Dhana.

“Dhana! Dad! Is he alive?!” I shouted.

“Alive, alive, calm down,” replied Rose, “I am his daughter too, and therefore your sister.”

Thus began our new life. In the evenings, Rose talked about her life, and Lyuba and I taught her reading and writing. Rose told us, whose real name was Raegle, that Ra is her father and Siegle, the ruler of ants, is her mother.

Notes by Rose (Raegle) about Ra’s salvation and her journey

to the land of demons

Eight years passed, but my father had not returned. The last days I woke up in tears, I dreamed of a black forest with dead trees, only one tree was alive. And this tree was my father Ra. Here’s what he told me:

“The mortal curse of the main demon, Radogast, lay upon me, and there was no salvation. The cold was squeezing life out of me, which gradually turned into a dream. And I dreamed of a hot Dhana and my daughter, whom I had never seen.”

The spring sun awakened the dying tree. Streams ran, poisoned streams.

“Are you really thinking of dying?!” the voice of Radogast came in my head. “I need you! Quickly turn into a dog and ran from this tree graveyard. But quietly! Even in thoughts! Semen Andreevich is recovering and in a couple of days he will be here!”

“I agree, if you take care of Masha, the sister of my wife because Semen will not leave her alone.”

“I’ll do it! Now be quiet and follow my commands. Run in the sun, a few miles later there will be a fence, stand at the gate and wait. You will be taken to a dog kennel. You will live there! Until the time.”

And this time went on for years that I did not count.

And I stopped seeing terrible dreams. I dreamed of funny alien animals called dogs. The dreams were so pleasant that I used to turn into a dog and run, play dog games while dreaming. And I got to the point that my mother noticed this when she found me sleeping in the form of an unknown beast. She took me to the elders and left me under their care so that her daughter would be cured of an unknown illness. Since then I have lived with them, experiencing with them their great trouble called UYY.

It turns out that a long time ago the UYY sorcerer lived with others in our anthill. Already in his youth, he was full of evil thoughts that he would be the smartest and one in command. At that time he had already mastered the evil sorcery of number two, and no one could cope with him, he was very strong. The elders gathered and applied the magic of the number four against his witchcraft. This magic can only be done by four real people together. And this magic causes a severe headache in those who are committed to evil. With the help of this magic, they drove the evil UYY into a deadly swamp, so that he would die there. But the evil UYY did not die, in the middle of the swamp he found a kind of islet and saved his anger and strength, dreaming of revenge, but could not get out of the swamp, because the elders continuously kept him there with the help of magic of four.

Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world

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