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Chapter 7. Amorous affairs



I am the only one who can save this miserable world. So Mute says. Yes, and he also asks to call himself by his real name – Radogast. I’ll try, but it’s hard to relearn, he’s still Mute-Radogast. So, I have to organize here a completely new business, called the “connection of four.” Radogast says that this is an effective weapon against the forces of evil. First we need to find four people with good mental ability, and Radogast himself will hide us all from the platers, so that they don’t know ahead of time what we are doing here. I found three of them at once – me, Terra and Rin, but who will be fourth? In the village everyone is busy, it’s not easy to get them to do something completely unusual…

Then Terra brought Fedka:

“Here! Look how cute he is”

I look, what an absurd guy, mentally asked him: “Do you want to work?” He just smiles and stares at me.

“Who did you bring, sister, he cannot hear anything at all?!”

“Well … You try, maybe that will turn out, he is so funny, so cute.”

“Okay, as my grandmother said any port in a storm. Sit in a circle.” Terra, of course, strives to put Fedka next to her. “It will not work, he will sit opposite, otherwise, you will hug each other instead of work.”

“But, Bess!” cries Terra…

“Later, later! After work, I will fulfill any of your requests, but for now, close your eyes and focus. We begin, some kind of a silent song and we will sing it in chorus. I will control you as a conductor, Terra, you sing a melody of love – this is closer to you. Rin, you pick up her melody and direct, like an arrow from a bow, in an expanding spiral around us. Fedya, what is there to come up with for you? Suppose you don’t hear anything, but you can mentally help us all. Imagine that you are a bonfire that warms us all.

“It is possible,” Fedya agreed, “I always loved to imagine, because of this I often got into situations…”

So we had our first connection of four. It seems that everything worked out. Even Fedya was all glowing – he tried so hard to help us all. We woke up in the evening. There are screams on the street – our rural drunkard and the bully Grisha is running. He screams that he has been bewitched, his head is cracking. I don’t feel sorry for him – you need to drink and curse less.

“And now,” Terra says, “you must fulfill your promise.”

“What, sister?” I completely forgot that I promised something to her.

“You said that you would fulfill any my request.”

“Okay,” I remembered, “what do you want?”

“I want you to put on my dress and go outside for a walk.”

“Why, sister?”

“There Petrya is waiting for me, and I want to walk with Fedka. After all, you look like me, in the dark Petrya will think that you are me.”

“And what will he do to me?” I continued.

“Well … It’s okay,” Terra draws, “if you do, then you’ll find out. You want to know everything. So go, experiment…”

“Okay,” I say, “it is fine for me.”

I change clothes and think it’s really interesting to be in the place of my sister and find out why all the guys in the village chase her.

I went out into the street cautiously. Strong hands gently pick me up and carry me, carry me somewhere into the forest. Good! I wish my beloved would carry me like that and then kiss me…

The bristly face tickles my lips. Alas, this is not my dear.

“You’re not Terra, who are you?”

“I am Bess, and I also want to kiss … But not like that!”

“Of course not,” answered Petrya, “Kiss the Terra – the head burns and goes round, and you? I don’t understand anything, because you are also a woman. How many women I kissed, but I didn’t have that, so that’s nothing at all, as if I was drunk and kissed a birch.”

Petrya laughed – he remembered, since he had been drunk – he took a birch for a woman … Well … and kissed. Petrya was still hugging me, but somehow already detached. Then the moon came out from behind the clouds.

“Yes …” said Petrya. “Or maybe you’ll throw off your dress, let’s look, maybe you’re not a woman at all.”

I took off my dress and Petrya stared at my body, and then gently ran a hand over my chest, lower, lower…

“And nothing,” he pronounced the final verdict, “you look like a woman, but there is nothing truly woman in you. So I touch you and nothing, I don’t want anything at all … So I didn’t feel it before… Okay, get dressed, let’s go for a walk.”

“Let’s go, we’ll talk at the same time,” I answered.

We moved through the bushes to the path, then along the path to the river.

“Aren’t you cold?” Petrya took off his jacket.

“No,” I replied, “I never feel cold, even in winter I can walk in one dress.”

Petrya thoughtfully put on his jacket back.

“Petrya,” I asked, “and why are all the women in your house so rude? Terra said that they immediately began to push each other.”

“So that’s why she left, and I thought she didn’t like me,” Petrya was delighted.

“Well, how we cannot like you,” I answered, “but Terra likes other guys, many of them younger than you, not so skilled, but for some reason Terra likes them more.”

“Really?” Petrya became sad. “Ah, these wives!!! Well, I’ll teach them!”

“Or maybe they are right in something?” I asked at random. “So father told you something about this…”

“And father … He said that the three wives in the house are too many, and I will not be able to feed four, and they will fight each other because of the housework.”

“Perhaps he is right?”

“Yes, right, right! I know it myself! But Terra is so cute; she hugged me as gullibly as I carried her in my arms! I always wanted to be with her!”

“Probably, bad luck!” I added. “I also want to be loved, hugged, kissed like Terra, but nothing works!”

“So no one wants to kiss you?” surprised Petra.

“No,” I said sadly. “Only Mute still supports me, says that my dear will come. And I believe! Will come! But when?!”

“It’s ok,” Petrya gently stroked my back, “there is your dear, I also believe in it! And what have you been doing all day?”

“They trained in thought transmission,” I answered him silently, with the help of thought.

“What are you doing! What are you doing!” He waved his hands at me. “Is that possible?! Platers will come and take you away!”

“Don’t be afraid,” I answered, “now Mute covers us. And when we accumulate strength, we will show these platers!”

“Not only the platers,” Petrya spoke excitedly, “the scouts report that we will be attacked by the meridichi squad from day to day, and we will have to guard around the village every night.”

“There is no need for a guard, because now Mute can help us, by the way, in fact his name is Radogast. In case of danger, he will wake me up.”

“Well wake up, then what? What will you do against these reivers?”

“And I will wake all of you, well, those who can hear thoughts. Are there many of them?”

“Yes, almost half of the village. I wonder how all the platers didn’t reach us…”

“This is clear, Radogast covered you all! Tomorrow you should gather those whom you can rely on, I will show how you can defend the village without any fights.”

So, talking about everything, we walked with Petrya all night.

Saying goodbye to him in the morning, I said:

“But you’d better stop watching Terra. She doesn’t really love anyone yet. Let her choose whom she needs.”

“So she will foolishly go to this muff Fedka!”

“Or maybe she needs this one? Don’t bother her! Perhaps Fedka will become less foolish with her.”

“Well, you know!” Petrya thought. Then he waved his hand and, striding quickly, disappeared around the bend of the street.

I opened the door to my hut.

“So how it was?” Terra rushed to me. “You liked him? Did you kiss him?”

“We kissed, but I didn’t like it,” I answered, “I am not his type too.”

“And what did you do in the forest until the morning? His wife came to us, she wanted to quarrel with me, but she saw Fedka here with me and ran away.”

“Well, walked, talked … And what about you and Fedya?”

“Oh, Bess, he knows how to kiss! As Petrya’s wife ran away, we also went for a walk. You know, there, on the landing by the big long house, there were dances today. I have never danced in my life, so Fedka taught me. He crushed my foot a couple of times, painfully, to a bruise. But it is so cool! Not bruises, of course, but dancing! You must try too! You’ll like it!”

The next day I met with Petrya and showed him how to make a connection of four. He easily understood everything and promised to teach it three of his friends. And then I had to fight off one of his wives. She tracked us down. However, I didn’t really try, because it hurts ordinary people when they beat each other, but I don’t. The poor wife injured all her hands beating my body. Well, rightly so.

And after a couple of days at night, we repelled the attack of the reivers – meridichi. At the command of Radogast, in different parts of the village we started two concerts of a connection of four. The result was astounding. The entire army of attackers was fallen down in pain. They rolled on the grass and howled. They shouted that they would never go our way again. And the one who persuaded them to this deal will be caught and beaten so that he wouldn’t do it again.

Yes, Fedka was also impudent and under the pretext of connecting four completely settled in our house. Granddad even gave him a separate room, for an extra man is always needed in the house, even if he is so foolish.

Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book two. War with reptilians

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