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Thank you to the following professionals for their contribution:

➔ Bruno Corda, MD

Doctor, Specialized in Emergency and First Aid Surgery, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. Already a Family Doctor, Director of Prevention Department, Director of Public Hygiene and Health Service. President of the Italian Society of Hygiene- Lazio Section. Master Degree CORGESAN and EMMAS in Health Management. Technical Table “Zero Disease and Sustainable Health” of CETRI-TIRES - Third Industrial Revolution European Society, inspired by the economic ideas of Jeremy Rifkin. bruno_corda@alice.it

A special thanks to Bruno Corda for having introduced me to the studies of Jeremy Rifkin.

Angelo Barbato

➔ Angela Meggiolaro, MD

Specialized Doctor in the Department of Hygiene and Infectious Disease Department of Sapienza, University of Rome. Epidemiologic and Health Economy Field experience. Author of textbooks and Scientific Publications in the Field of Public Health and Medicine of the Territory. Technical Table “Zero Disease and Sustainable Health” of CETRI-TIRES - Third Industrial Revolution European Society, inspired by the economic ideas of Jeremy Rifkin. angela.meggiolaro@gmail.com

➔ Dr. Angelo Consoli

Director of the European Office of Jeremy Rifkin

President of CETRI-TIRES (Third Industrial Revolution European Society)

Co-Author with Livio de Santoli of the Manifesto-book “Zero Zone”.

➔ Francesca Mirabelli, MD Ph.D

Specialist in Cardiology

Ph.D in Biomedical technology in clinical medicine

Second level Master Degree in Imaging diagnostic cardiology

ASL Rome 1. francesca.mirabelli78@gmail.com

➔ Alessandro Anselmo, MD Ph.D

Specialist in General Surgery

Ph.D in Surgical pathophysiology

Ph.D in Organ Transplants

Second level Master Degree in Organ Transplants

Fellow of the European Board of Surgery

Medical Executive - UOC Transplant Surgery - PTV Foundation- Rome

➔ Antonio Magi, MD

Doctor Specialist in Radiology

Health Past-Director IV District ASL Rome A

➔ Dr. Roberto Del Gaudio

Personal Trainer Master 3° level federal FIPE CONI and Jurist


➔ Dr. Antonina Fazio

Biologist-Nutritionist Specialized in Clinical Pathology afazio2002@hotmail.com

➔ Dr. Eloisa Fioravanti

Degree in Arts and Dentistry fioravelo@gmail.com

Translated by Clarissa A. Cassels

Degree in European Studies at Maastricht University

Translator and interpreter, massage therapist and travel blogger on www.piglinaround.com

Zero Disease

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