Читать книгу The Marine's Last Defence - Angi Morgan - Страница 2



“I beg your pardon?” Her shock erupted as a nervous laugh.

The same cute sound, from early that morning, that had been so damn attractive. Stow it, Marine. One more time, he debated sharing why it was important to wait on the supplies he needed. He’d be prepared this time.

“I’ll wash your clothes while you shower. How did you think we were going to clean up?”

“I … That can’t possibly be a good idea—what if they come here and I’m—”

“Soapy?” He laughed, unable to stop himself. The look on her face was priceless. “We weren’t followed. Promise. If you’re worried about getting on the road, you should probably get moving.”

She stood and Dallas jumped off the couch to follow. Bree picked her up and Jake held out his hands to take her.

“The paramedics warned me about an infection.” He pointed to his bullet graze. “Do it for me. After all, I did save your life.”

The Marine's Last Defence

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