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Dear Reader,

As an avid traveler, I often wondered just how exciting the life of an airline flight attendant could be. While preparing for this story, I spent some time chatting with a friend of mine who works for a major airline as an attendant. She agreed that her job can be very stressful at times, but meeting so many people from different cultures and nations is indeed a wonderful adventure.

While traveling, I love to observe fellow passengers, trying to guess where people are going, who their companions are and why they are taking a particular flight. My idea for First Class Seduction came to me during a recent flight to Italy as I watched a handsome man flirt openly with our very attractive flight attendant. When we arrived in Rome and departed the airport, I wondered if the two managed to get together. I hope so, as they made a very strong impression on me…and several other passengers!

Drawing story lines from real-life experiences is what I love to do, and I keep my eyes and ears on alert for any spark that can inspire my next romantic story. Living on the Texas Gulf Coast with Mexico as a close neighbor also inspired me to create this intercultural love story. I hope you enjoy my romance of flight and intrigue as we cross geographical borders and see love bloom between two very special characters.

If you love to travel, crave adventure and like a bit of mystery, this is the book for you.

If you want to drop me a line, please e-mail me at arbun@sbcglobal.net.

Read with love!

Anita Bunkley

First Class Seduction

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