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It’s important when embarking on a new field of learning to know where to start. This is particularly the case for Buddhism. There is a vast amount of information about Buddhism published in many forms which may lead us to start at the middle, at the end, the general or the specialized, in the deep or in the shallow, or, if we are fortunate, at the beginning. We may find one source from one Buddhist tradition, the next from another tradition, and possibly the contents side-by-side do not sit easily together.

It wasn’t always like this. In the distant past, students of Buddhism mostly received their information from a single source, usually a Buddhist Temple or Teacher they first felt a connection with, or where they were first introduced by their parents, friends or other students.

There is a deep connectivity across all Buddhist traditions and at every level of the Buddhist Teachings which relates to the science of the mind as discovered by The Buddha, and the technology of how to finally and fully understand ourselves.

This is the promise of Buddhism, the Buddhist Path, which, when followed diligently, leads us to the top of the tallest mountain, and from that peak any person can see everything about themselves, clearly, perfectly. This is the wisdom view, and wisdom will undo the causes of our suffering.

No single book can provide everything we need on our journey to awakening. “Bringing Wisdom to Life” is offered to help you see some of the steps on your path. Maybe it will be your first steps, or maybe steps to help you “get” the next bit, but whatever you need to move along the path, at least some of it you can find in this book.

Bringing Wisdom to Life

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