Читать книгу Authenticity - Anita M. Hessenauer - Страница 5



This collection of poems follows the trajectory of the interior journey to the source of our being. It is a journey which calls us to shed all that we have amassed as part of our egotistical nature, in order to attain the wholeness for which we were made.

The poems in this collection attempt to portray some of the salient characteristics of authentic living which is a life aligned to that of our creator. As we journey into the interior life, we come to the realization that the path inward is diametrically opposed to the egocentrism reigning in our world today. This dichotomy is apparent in the reversal of human qualities that are normally cherished in the secular life.

The first section in this collection, titled Paradox, is a depiction of the paradigm shift which is central to the interior life. In order to arrive at the essence of our being, it is imperative that we strive to strip ourselves of our inflated ego. This shedding of all external trappings allows the core of our being comprised of love and all its attributes to be brought to the forefront; for we are made in the image and likeness of God who is pure love. It is only by this self-emptying that we share in the divine nature and thereby uncover our authentic self. It follows that less is truly more and is the norm of an abundant life, hence the title of the first section, Paradox.

The title of the second section, Entreaty represents poems that exemplify the reversal of values in the interior life juxtaposed with those of our fiercely individualistic society. In the milieu where the “I” is celebrated, independence is of supreme importance whereas dependence is synonymous with sheer weakness. Self-reliance becomes the norm whereas vulnerability is taboo. An authentic individual however, recognizes that he or she cannot go through this earthly pilgrimage on his or her own merit and humbly seeks the guidance and help of the Lord. Such an individual acknowledges his or her own brokenness as well as the frailty of the human condition and calls out to our maker for succor. The recognition of dependence is reflected in the second section of this collection, Entreaty.

The third section titled Giving, presents individuals whose lives reflect their inner core of love. Three of the poems in this section, “Where are the Blessings . . .?,” “Giving” and “The Gift” are set in India, the country of my birth where I spent the first nineteen years of my life.

Authentic living flows out of a giving of oneself to another. Narcissism has no role in such a life for an authentic life does not hoard its gifts but finds fulfillment in dying to self and living for the other. Furthermore, the vision of one living such a life is transformed. This individual upholds the inherent value and dignity of the destitute and of those who are marginalized. An authentic individual also plumbs the depths of situations which customarily carry a negative connotation, uncovering the blessings buried within them. The final section of this collection, Giving, portrays such a grace filled individual.

The reversal of values is the thread that binds together the three sections of this collection. Authenticity entails the recognition of the source of one’s being. It is the trait of one who dares to be countercultural. The benchmarks of an authentic life form a stark contrast to the prevalent norms in our culture and society. An authentic life is one which is dependent on the Lord and which has its gaze and steps turned outward toward the other.


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