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“Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us

that everything in our Universe is energy.”

– Comillo Lokin

Learning how thoughts, feelings, and the Universe’s Search Engine work together to deliver your quality of life is incredibly helpful. The same insight applies when you gain an understanding of a few basic laws of physics because they similarly impact your life in a huge way.

You Already Know QP

While the words “quantum physics” might send you running for the hills, stick with me and you’ll be surprised how much you already know! For instance, the law of vibration states: If you were to break down anything to its purest form and analyze it—seen or unseen—you would find pure energy resonating as a vibratory frequency. In Chapter 1: Pillars 1 and 2, we covered how matter is pure energy in a constant state of motion in the form of vibrational frequencies.

Another quantum physics principle states: Thoughts are things that hold the energy field into what it is you see. In Chapter 2 we covered how the Universe’s Search Engine a) picks up thoughts as keywords and b) searches for, then c) returns frequency matches in the form of real-life experiences. This is how your thoughts bring to you what you see.

The Law of Attraction

I’d guess the most popular law of physics is the Law of Attraction, which is the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. The 2006 Australian-American documentary, The Secret, taught us that life experiences are formed through our thoughts and related emotions. Exactly what we’re talking about!

That film did a great job of kicking off the discussion on our journey to expanded consciousness and harnessing universal powers. This book picks up where it left off, putting the pieces together to decipher precisely how, in scientific terms, the Law of Attraction works.

HEAR THIS: Law of Attraction Is the Frequency Highway

If you’ve read Chapters 1 and 2 you already know how the Law of Attraction works, because I theorize that: The Law of Attraction and the frequency highway are one and the same.



The force behind both the frequency highway and Law of Attraction is the same, functioning to bring together “similar energies” or “matching frequencies.” The secret has been hiding in plain sight all along, camouflaged in semantics. Science cracks the code, making what was once ambiguous tangible, accessible, and harnessable!

Understanding that the frequency highway and Law of Attraction both function as the Universe’s Search Engine, and deliberately harnessing that knowledge to better manage your thoughts to control what’s returned is enough to dramatically improve your quality of life.

But there’s much more to share about harnessing its power to return your dream life, so we continue.


Universally speaking, frequencies work to harmonize. This relates to another quantum physics principle, entrainment, which states: The natural state of being is in harmony.

You notice entrainment when someone yawns and it makes you yawn, or when someone claps or laughs how others join in even if they don’t know what they’re clapping or laughing for. The same thing happens when someone smiles at you and you smile back no matter how bad your day is going. Entrainment takes the credit for these automatic responses.

Entrainment works on a molecular level within our bodies as well. The synching of menstrual cycles when women spend a fair amount of time with each other is an incredible yet quite a common phenomenon.

Entrainment applies to inanimate objects too. The most dramatic example comes from a scientific study conducted by Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens in 1665 that positioned two grandfather clocks side-by-side with their pendulums swinging at different rates. Entrainment caused the pendulums to become synchronized within one day.

Law of Least Resistance

Continuing with the theme of harmony, the law of least resistance is related to nature where electrons always choose the path of least resistance. You can apply this law to your life by letting go of opposition and opting for self-resolution, refraining from taking any action and allowing a situation to resolve on its own.

Some evoke conscious passiveness as a way to apply this principle. While the word “passive” tends to have a negative connotation, here choosing to be passive is a Jedi mind trick where you no longer resist and instead consciously move into trusting that a situation will work out in its own time and manner, accepting the outcome whatever it may be. In this way it’s possible to do nothing and accomplish more, which is why this law is also known as the law of least effort.

In my job managing a portfolio of high-tech Fortune 500 companies I had an opportunity to leverage conscious passiveness. A choppy implementation led to a horde of daily fire drills with high priority issues needing my immediate attention. Dutifully, I rolled up my sleeves and dug in, giving it all I had. But when the intense pressure and breakneck pace didn’t let up after several months I became completely overwhelmed. In tears, I strongly considered submitting my resignation. However, the timing coincided with a planned vacation, so I made the decision to reevaluate upon my return.

During my trip I let it all go, enjoying time with my family and meditating daily. When I returned to work a week later, I had renewed energy and clarity. This afforded me the ability to lean into conscious passiveness. What did that look like? As the avalanche of emails poured in, rather than reactively responding, I first checked with my gut to see if I had an interest in engaging. For roughly 80% of the onslaught, I found I didn’t. So I selected conscious passiveness and said, “Nope, I’m not going to touch that.” Then I deleted those emails.

If that sounds crazy, I completely understand because doing less and accomplishing more is the polar opposite of what many of us were taught. It’s counter intuitive, and yet, like gravity, the law of least resistance is a universal law that always holds true. With faith in all universal principles I decided to eat my own dog food (switching the polarity, drink my own Champaign). I took an educated leap of faith, trusting in the power of the law of least resistance and utilized conscious passiveness.

On the heels of deleting numerous emails I immediately asked myself, “What would make me happy? What do I want to do?” Then I’d do it! Often, it was as simple as going outside to walk the property and take in the magnificence of the flowers and majestic trees. Sometimes I preferred to meditate, and other times I felt like loving on my dogs. These activities brought me peace, balance, and wellbeing, so I continued with this approach for the entire week, day after day checking in with my gut for what would make me happy and choosing conscious passiveness and self-resolution.

By week’s end I noticed a desire. I felt inspired to re-engage, so I delved into my inbox. Wouldn’t you know it? The vast majority—nearly 80% —of what came in throughout the week had self-resolved (mostly by way of different directions taken). Indeed, it is possible to do nothing and accomplish more. What a joy!

As a caveat, for those whose work requires hands-on action (like a chef, ambulance driver, or doctor), your opportunity may not be to decide not to cook, drive, or mend someone. Instead, do a gut check to become aware of your feelings (as an indicator of your thoughts), and where friction or negative feelings exist make shifts by using the power of your thoughts to bring the joy. Stay tuned for Chapters 10 and 11, which offer practical guidance on living in joy when it appears your situation isn’t allowing you to do so.

Ride the Current of Least Resistance

Fighting against what is elongates suffering, makes an issue bigger, and squanders your valuable energy.

During our honeymoon in Maui, my husband, John, and I took boogie boards out into the ocean. Unbeknownst to us, we had entered the water where there was a strong undercurrent that quickly pulled us towards the deep sea. Neither of us are seasoned swimmers so when I turned and noticed how far away we were from the shoreline I panicked and started yelling, “Turn around!” We both began kicking fiercely towards land but our best efforts netted no forward movement, and we continued being pulled away.

John recalled seeing a 20/20 episode that told the story of a college football player swept away by a riptide. Sadly, despite his youth and strength, after exerting all of his energy fighting against the current he drowned. The show intended to teach people caught in undercurrents to always swim parallel to the shore to move outside of the current, as fighting against it would prove futile.

At more than four hundred feet out John yelled to paddle parallel to the shore. As we did, soon resistance ceased. Not only were we no longer being pulled away, we’d entered into another current that effortlessly propelled us towards the beach.

This mimics what happens when you fight against what is. You expend more energy and get nowhere—maybe even further behind! Instead, leverage the quantum physics law of least resistance to move out of opposition and change the current.

Change the Channel

I offer a final example to further highlight how to move into harmony with the law of least effort when it looks like things aren’t going your way. One Friday, my sixteen-year-old daughter, Skye, needed a ride home from her summer internship in the heart of Silicon Valley. While the commute in the Bay Area is always congested, Fridays are particularly brutal. I had thought about scheduling an Uber because traffic is my kryptonite. I am a cool-headed, loving, and kind individual until I’m behind the wheel where I turn into a laser-focused pilot on a mission to get wherever I’m going as efficiently, decisively, and quickly as possible. When my husband told me he’d pick her up I dismissed my anxieties. Then at the very last minute he wasn’t able to go, so the chore returned to me.

To relieve some of the burden, we agreed to meet up at a restaurant located between her job and our home. I arrived at the agreed upon location right on time and texted Skye to see how close she was. When she replied that she hadn’t left the office yet, and it would be more than an hour before she did, it’s fair to say I was frustrated and disappointed. As a self-proclaimed energy snob, I saw this delay as a waste of my precious time.

Although I knew I was exuding negative bundled thoughts, I nevertheless remained pretty steamy. Recognizing a need to make a shift, I went over my options and decided to pick Skye up so I could be in control of the situation. As my attention returned to the navigation screen I saw solid red depicting standstill traffic in every direction. Knowing negative vibes were beaming out of me, I asked myself, “What can I do to change this? What would make me happy?”

I decided to listen to Alanis Morissette because singing my heart out to her songs always makes me feel really good. As I nudged back onto the freeway inch-by-inch, singing “Uninvited,” sure enough my vibratory frequency lifted and I began feeling happy. By the time I reached Skye, forty-five minutes later, I was shoulder dancing and smiling, emitting high vibes full blast.

Find Your Happy

When Skye jumped into the car she was unhappy with my music choice and immediately began complaining. I explained that I needed to do something to cheer myself up, and added, “Find your way to be happy.” She picked the next song and proceeded to belt it out. We ended up having so much fun in stop-and-go traffic! Along with good practice in energy conversion and an unexpectedly good time, we both came out of that long, slow car ride with memories that’ll last forever.

The takeaway is, in all cases you have the power of choice to decide if you want to be upset and view a situation as a nightmare, or look for and find the hidden gift(s). You get to elect how you receive the energy that’s coming at you, and choose what you do with it.

Your Jedi Moves

Pay attention to your feelings because they’re your key indicator alerting you to what you’re thinking about, and therefore exuding. Take responsibility for the role you play as the creator of your life experiences and when you find yourself angry or having other negative feelings or thoughts, acknowledge and thank them before asking, “What can I do to change this?”

Think constructively and harness the law of least resistance to move your energy into something positive and meaningful.

Invisible Matters

When it comes down to it, the secrets of the Universe aren’t secrets at all; they’re just invisible to the human eye. There are countless books and videos on this very subject matter. Each author does their best to explain these universal principles, motivated by a sincere desire to help others wield their powers to live a better, more joyous life. Yet for centuries these scientific principles have failed to move into the mainstream. Why is this? I believe it’s primarily the intangibility that challenges comprehension and adoption.

If the invisibility of the Universe’s Search Engine, bundled thoughts, and quantum physics principles makes it difficult for you to embrace, consider that even the tangible goes unseen sometimes. For instance, stars are invisible during the day, but they certainly exist at all times. You can’t see gravity or love, but we are sure of their existence and to ignore them would be detrimental to your life experience.

The same applies here. Don’t let the invisibility of proven universal laws be an impediment to leveraging these powerful, life-changing principles to their fullest to create the life of your most fantastical dreams!

Key Principles

1. The Law of Attraction and the frequency highway are one and the same.

2. The Universe’s Search Engine returns life experiences that match the frequency of thoughts (aka keywords).

3. Everything in the Universe emits vibrational frequencies, including thoughts.

4. Frequencies work to harmonize, known as entrainment.

5. The law of least resistance relates to electrons choosing the path of least resistance.

6. Pivot negative frequencies to positive through awareness, then asking what you can do to change the situation.

7. Pay attention to feelings as your guidance system indicating the frequencies you’re emitting.

8. The invisible forces of nature matter.

The Universe Is Your Search Engine

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