Читать книгу Heart-breaking Documentary Report - Anka "Anik" Ziegler - Страница 5
ОглавлениеDear Mr. Riley,
My name is Anka Ziegler, alias “Anik” Ziegler. I am a genuine and sincere person, who believes in beauty and love and didn’t know that evil existed! Once I was The “action girl”, an entertainer, dancer, model, athlete, adventurer, a healthy, happy and free spirit; a magnet, who represented beauty, health, happiness and was in charge of her life! My inner voice and my sense of justice tells me, that you are a quality person, to whom I can send this folder with its HIGHLY SENSITIVE INFORMATION!
I talked to you before. I called you about ten months ago from East Germany. I trust you because you are a journalist from Naples, “Naples News”; the city where an unthinkable crime was done to me. I am a victim of brutally, cruel and corrupt organised crime; crime at the highest level, professionally covered up, to eliminate me and sell my healthy organs to people who would pay for them! To cripple me; put me in a wheelchair with an amputated leg, in case I might survive seven procedures under anaesthesia, in five months and seven butchered surgeries, including a cruel knee manipulation, without benefit of heparin or antibiotics, which resulted in a blood clot and a staph infection!
Please help me! Connect me to the right people and put this tragedy (story) with names in the “Naples News”- but please don’t mention my name. That would put me in danger again!
First, I a pedestrian, was run over by a lawyer; someone who is supposed to be trustworthy. He tried to get away with the ‘hit and run’. As a result, I suffered from a torn meniscus, an injury, which required minor surgery, an arthroscopy. Instead, I was severely injured, hurt, tortured and crippled for life.
On the subject of Influential people and authorities: I am sure that you the readers, all know about the “Charles Manson” in Naples; a wolf in sheep’s clothing, who lives in a five-Million-dollar mansion, who makes millions out of blood money, works as an orthopaedic surgeon and can get away with EVERYTHING! A sadistic, perverted, ruthless monster and master manipulator of his community! He is very well connected, even as depicted in Google! “Money talks!”
He permanently injured me, tortured me, sexually humiliated me and disfigured and crippled me for life. He left me a physical and emotional wreck, a needy target and a burden on my parents, the doctors, the hospitals, the doctors who performed operations on me and forced me to leave my country, the United States of America as a cripple! If I had not left the USA, I would not have risked being killed or sitting in a wheelchair with an amputated leg. I am still highly traumatised by pain and lasting damage to my body. I have not been compensated for the injuries I sustained. Instead, the opposite happened. I had to pay for it all!
It is unthinkable but true!
I have nightmares and I am still in shock. I want justice and the appropriate compensation for my disability, I am entitled to. I was married to an American citizen for eleven years and was crippled in Naples, Florida. I was deprived of my health, my independence, my wonderful life and a glorious future. My million dollar body was destroyed, as was my market value and my happiness.
For almost since six years, I merely “existed,” living in a situation that was beneath my dignity. I was like a prisoner, “buried alive”, in poverty and amongst people I didn’t belong with; after previously having been a fascinating, sophisticated and natural beauty with the looks of a movie star and a body like a siren. Thanks to “butcher” Thomas E. Perrell, I am now forced to live without money in East Germany; which is worse now than it was thirty years ago. I am dependent on the minimal amount paid by social welfare, and I am a burden on my parents.