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No other prelate has had a greater impact or more lasting influence on the Catholic Church in America than Archbishop John Francis Noll. His ideas turned into action, which flowed into reality. His works live on, continuing to explain the truth and bring the beauty of the Catholic Faith to millions of Americans. His spirit lives on in Our Sunday Visitor and in those who strive to educate in defense of the Church and Christian values in society.

Although as Archbishop, he held an important and dignified position among the clergy, to those who knew and loved him he remained simply “the Bish,” a good shepherd of his flock.

He was a “harmonizer” among the people. Warm, witty, and personable, he always addressed the many readers of his weekly newspaper in a loving and informal manner as “Friends of Our Sunday Visitor.” A man ahead of his time, long before Vatican II John Noll understood, appreciated, and encouraged the work of the laity in Catholic action. A peacemaker at heart, without in any way compromising his high standards or the tenets of the Catholic faith, he brought the country to the realization that it was possible to be both Catholic and American.

This sketch of his life is dedicated to his beloved laity and the friends of Our Sunday Visitor.

Champion of the Church

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