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Drifting closer, he stared at her, taking into account her dripping hair, water-streaked makeup and bright gray eyes.

“You don’t know how beautiful you are,” he softly told her. “You don’t know how much I think about you.”

“Jake.” His name was a whisper. A sigh. A promise. She tipped her chin up and watched him with glittering eyes that were already half-closed, surrendering even as she continued to fight. “I thought we agreed we weren’t going to do this.”

Reaching up, mesmerized by everything about this one special woman, he smoothed the wet hair past her temple. Traced one silky brow. Ran his thumb across the dewy velvet of her lower lip.

“I’ve been trying.” He shrugged helplessly. “I didn’t know how hard it would be.”

Leaning in, he dipped his head and, making sure to keep their bodies well apart, kissed her before she could protest—one gentle, lingering, perfect kiss that nearly choked him with desire.

Then he pulled back, knowing he’d crossed a line but unable to remember why that should matter.

Her eyes were bright and glazed now, a vivid mixture of gray and green that should only belong to the finest jewels and sunset-streaked oceans.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said again, shaking his head because life was unfair. Why else would God drop this woman in his life and then make her off-limits? “So beautiful.”

“So are you.”

Case for Seduction

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