Читать книгу The Rancher She Loved - Ann Roth - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

This is the fourth book of my miniseries set in Saddlers Prairie, a fictitious ranching town in Montana prairie country.

Have you ever wondered what happens to a rodeo star when his career ends? I have, and I decided to explore the issue. Clay Hollyer is a former bull-riding champion whose career ended after a nasty run-in with a bull. He now has a new life in Saddlers Prairie.

Sarah Tigarden is searching for her biological mother, who once lived in Saddlers Prairie. She and Clay met three years ago, when she interviewed him for a magazine article.

I don’t want to spoil the story, so I’ll just say that they didn’t exactly part on good terms. Not an auspicious beginning for the hero and heroine of a romance novel, you may be thinking.

Which makes this story all the more interesting.

Happy reading!


P.S. I always appreciate hearing from readers. Email me at ann@annroth.net, or write me c/o P.O. Box 25003, Seattle, WA 98165-1903, or visit my Facebook page. And please visit my website at www.annroth.net, where you can enter the monthly drawing to win a free book! You’ll also find my latest writing news, tips for aspiring writers and a delicious new recipe every month.

The Rancher She Loved

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