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“We haven’t spoken in a couple days. Are we okay?” Nick sounded concerned.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” Dani said, not feeling at all okay.

“You sure about that? You seem tense. The other night—”

“We shared a few kisses,” she interrupted, proud of her nonchalant tone. “They didn’t mean anything.”

Only long, sleepless nights and the irritating problem of not being able to forget the feel of his lips on hers. Hot and soft…

His relieved breath was loud and clear. “That’s good, because those kisses didn’t mean anything to me, either. I don’t want things between us to change because of them.”

He had a funny way of showing it. “Me, either,” Dani admitted.

During another long beat of silence, Dani racked her brain for something else to say, something to prove that she was fine.

Before she could think of anything, Nick spoke. “How about we forget those kisses ever happened.”

“Consider them forgotten.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire. Dani touched her lips, which even now tingled a little.

A Rancher's Redemption

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