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THE ART OF drawing and painting plants has a long history: it ranges from decorative framed paintings to very detailed scientific illustrations, often in pen and ink. I have collected botanical illustrations for more years than I care to remember and I love to discover the work of new artists.

Most botanical artists use watercolours. Time was when an illustration in coloured pencils was instantly obvious because of its grainy appearance. But coloured pencils have improved immensely, and there has been a huge increase in the number of artists who use coloured pencils to produce refined work.

Ann Swan has extraordinary skill. Her illustrations range from conventional plant portraits (mainly flowers and fruits) to exquisite portrayals of dying autumnal plants and leaves, and exuberant studies of fruit and vegetables in which the available space on the paper is completely covered. She also likes to combine coloured-pencil work with graphite pencil, or draws in graphite pencil alone.

All Ann’s work shows an infectious enthusiasm for, and understanding of, her chosen subject and demonstrates her meticulous observation and attention to detail. She is an outstanding exponent of coloured-pencil painting. This book will not only be of enormous help and encouragement to anyone who wants to learn how to produce coloured-pencil illustrations: it will be an inspiration.

Victoria Matthews BSc (Hons), Dip.Tax., FLS



Amanita muscaria

25 x 28 cm (10 x 11 in)

Botanical Painting with Coloured Pencils

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