Читать книгу Seized By The Sheik - Ann Voss Peterson - Страница 9

Chapter One


The place felt like death.

Efraim Aziz lowered his rein hand and let his horse pick his own path through the acres-wide gash of eroded red-and-beige rock. Wind whistled through the formations and battered his face, incessant and strong. A few sticks of sagebrush twisted through kinks in the rock to stretch their silver-green leaves to the sky, the only living thing for what looked like miles. These badlands, the high plains, the mountain ranges to the west and north—it was a harsh landscape populated by hard, arrogant people. And somewhere in this hell Amir Khalid was struggling, dying…if he wasn’t already dead.

Efraim had to find his friend.

“Sheik Efraim! Wait!”

He recognized the voice immediately, its sound shivering over his skin like the warm breath of a lover. He knew someone would come looking for him, but he’d never guessed it would be her.

He glanced over his shoulder.

She rode toward him through the badlands astride a palomino quarter horse. Her long blond hair glimmered in the Wyoming sun like the golden beaches of his island nation of Nadar.

Efraim tried his best to ignore the spike in his blood pressure, the acceleration of his pulse.

He didn’t even know her, this Callie McGuire. They’d engaged in a few polite discussions when he’d arrived in America, and only glances in the stressful days since. But whenever she was near, he had a hard time keeping his eyes off her. It was as if she was the only person in the room. Magnetic. And as hot as the sun itself.

Whoever sent her to collect him was shrewd, indeed.

“Sheik Efraim. Please.”

He scooped in a deep breath of hot horse and leather and braced himself before turning his mount back to face her.

She’d come to talk him into going back, holing up like a coward. And even though he didn’t intend to follow her advice, he knew he would listen to her every word with the attentiveness of a teenage boy enslaved to his hormones. Embarrassing for the leader of a country. Shameful.

She came to a halt in front of him, but her eyes darted around, taking in the sagebrush, the crumbled rock outcroppings, the mountains on the horizon. “Where’s your security?”

He thought of his cousin Fahad and the men who worked under him. “At the Wind River Ranch.”

“You’re out here without protection?”

“Who sent you after me? Fahad?”

“I like to ride, clear my head.” She gave him a doe-eyed look, all innocence.

A sure sign he was being handled.

He raised a brow. “So is this the job you expected when you chose to work for your country’s Office of Foreign Affairs? Babysitter?”

She rested her rein hand on the saddle horn, her blue eyes squinted against the glare. “You shouldn’t be out here, sir. It’s too dangerous. Whoever planted that car bomb to kill Sheik Amir will be trying to kill you, too.”

“So Fahad did send you. My head of security?” Efraim knew it. Kateb must have run to his brother this morning as soon as he’d trailered Efraim and one of the Wind River Ranch’s horses to the rural road where the explosion had occurred.

“I haven’t heard from Mr. Bahir.” She let out a breath, as if giving up. “Actually I was hoping he was out here keeping an eye on you.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is.” Efraim took his own glance around the landscape but saw no sign of his cousin. “So if it wasn’t Fahad, who sent you?”

“That’s not important.”

“It is to me.” He wasn’t sure if he was more disturbed by the thought that someone believed Callie McGuire could protect him better than he could protect himself, or by the indication that whoever had sent her knew of his powerful attraction for the fresh-faced blonde.

If it was one of his men, he’d be on the next plane back to Nadar.

“You need to head back to the resort. Sunset comes early in these parts because of the mountains.” She stared him down, her jaw as set and determined as it had been yesterday.

That was it. Her jaw. The flash in her eyes. That was what drew him. He was a sucker for strong women. Being from a country where women weren’t allowed to be strong around men, this feistiness was novel and obviously the source of his fascination with Callie McGuire. “You’re worried about me?” he said in a dry tone, but he couldn’t pretend there wasn’t a note of teasing interest under his words.

“You’re very important to the coalition.”

In the past few weeks, he’d heard enough about the Coalition of Island Nations, or COIN, to last him a lifetime. He wasn’t even sure it was in Nadar’s best interest to be part of it. With each day that had passed since the explosion, his doubts had grown. “Nadar’s offshore oil fields are important to the coalition. The shipping lanes are important to the coalition. Not me.”

“Then why did Prince Stefan call me?”

So it had been Stefan Lutece who’d thought he needed a babysitter and had chosen Callie McGuire for the job. Humiliating that the Prince of Kyros could see his interest so clearly, but at least he wasn’t a subordinate. “He shouldn’t have bothered you.”

“If anyone knows about the dangers all the members of the coalition face, it’s Prince Stefan.”

“Or Amir. And finding him is why I’m here.”

“You think you’re going to find some sign of him out here on the BLM?” She gestured to the surroundings with her free hand.

As Efraim understood it, the barren canyonlike area he was now searching in was called Rattlesnake Badlands, a part of public land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management. The locals just referred to all of it as the BLM.

“I’m not going to cower at some luxury resort ranch while Amir might be out here dying.”

“There are people searching.”

“Who? The police? Some honest ones, or just the ones taking money from organized crime?”

She scrunched up her nose, and he noticed for the first time that she had a sprinkle of freckles across the top of her cheekbones. Fascinating.

He concentrated on a large clump of sage just past her right ear. “Amir didn’t disappear. He has to be somewhere.”

“So don’t rely on the authorities. Let your own people do the job. You don’t have to do this personally.”

But he did. It was that or go crazy. The Wind River Ranch and Resort was a luxurious place, that was for certain, but he couldn’t enjoy it knowing Amir was out there, maybe dying, maybe dead. “There’s no argument you can make that Fahad has not already made.”

The hard line of her lips softened. “I know the two of you are close. I know you’re worried about him.”

Whereas her passion had been arousing, the softness and empathy in her eyes mesmerized him and for a moment, he found himself physically leaning toward her in his saddle.

He caught himself before he swooned like a lovesick teen. “When Amir is found, I will stop searching.” He laid a spur to his horse’s side, and the animal broke into a jog. He wasn’t wild about much of what America had to offer, but he might make an exception for its quarter horses and its women.

At least this woman.

“Then I’ll help—”

A gunshot cracked through the air, cutting her sentence short.

Efraim grabbed for his pistol and tried to gauge where the shot came from. The report bounced off rock and mixed with the whistle of the wind.

So much for finding Amir. Hemmed in by canyon walls, he and Callie would be lucky if they got out of the Rattlesnake Badlands alive.

Seized By The Sheik

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