Читать книгу Evidence Of Marriage - Ann Voss Peterson - Страница 2

Her heart stuttered.


She remembered every excruciating moment of the days and nights she’d lain tied in that dark cabin. The burn of the ropes against her wrists. The incredible thirst. The emptiness like a chasm inside her. She couldn’t push it out of her mind. She’d been worried about Reed then, too. The helplessness was the worst. It ate into her soul until there was nothing left but bitter darkness. She couldn’t sit here in the dark waiting for Reed. Or wait for the killer to find her.

Oh, God, please, don’t let this happen again.

Just then, Reed stepped around the corner and rushed to her side, holding her on her feet. Her body dissolved, as if the muscle holding her upright had turned to quivering goo. The way she was shaking she didn’t know if her legs would carry her.

Worse, she didn’t want to leave the protection of Reed’s arms….

Evidence Of Marriage

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