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“Have you come looking for safety, Daphne?”

She met his gaze, and then hers fell to his mouth. Wanting her was crazy. A woman had never confused Patrick this way before.

“We’re getting too personal.” She leaned back and stood.

“Wait.” He caught her arm. Though she tried to be tough, she couldn’t hide her fragility. “Do you want me to call Raina?”

Softness returned to Daphne’s eyes. “I really don’t need you to take my first step with my sister.”

“I’d like to help.”

“You might as well know I’m not used to having someone take care of me.”

“Taking care is what small towns do best.”

“Thank you,” she said. “I know you’re trying to make me feel welcome. I appreciate that you care.”

Care? Patrick was trying not to care too much.

Her Reason To Stay

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