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Dear Reader,

From the time Kendall Davidson walked onto the page in Always the Hero, I could not wait to tell her story. Writing about a female veteran of the Afghan war was a responsibility I took very seriously; so seriously, I second-guessed myself, hoping I was doing my fictional military heroine a fraction of the justice so many of our servicemen and servicewomen deserve.

I knew it would require a special man to convince Kendall love was worth taking a chance on, but other than that, he was a blank slate. Correction: I knew Hunter MacBride would need an advantage in his fight to win Kendall’s heart—his niece Phoebe, a child in need of the kind of help only Kendall understands. The more books I write, the more I realize just how resilient the human heart is.

This story, like all the Butterfly Harbor romances, is about the healing power of love and acceptance, friendship, community and hope. Here’s wishing that Kendall and Hunter’s (and Phoebe’s) journey to their happily-ever-after finds a place in your heart.

Anna J

Safe In His Arms

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