Читать книгу Wicked Wives - Anna-Lou Weatherley - Страница 16



As much as she didn’t care to admit it, Allegra was feeling out of her depth. The pool party resembled a scene from a bad porn movie. There were naked girls everywhere; tanned bodies draped like mercury over blue and white striped sunbeds and couples openly having sex in the pool and on the terracotta patio outside. To her left she noticed a tall, naked brunette with shiny fake tits and tattoos willingly administering a blow job to some greasy-looking long-haired guy as another guy pumped away at her from behind, grinning manically as he frenziedly grabbed at her breasts for purchase. Allegra turned away in disgust, glancing over at a group of people brazenly snorting cocaine from a glass coffee table, dancing to the deafening sound of David Guetta like demented maniacs as they swigged from champagne bottles.

She nervously scanned the room for Tess. That shady Marco character had sequestered her off somewhere inside the sprawling hilltop villa, leaving Allegra to her own devices.

‘Hey hunny, wanna hit?’ a sinewy-looking black girl with the longest weave she’d ever seen held out a joint as she shimmied over. She was naked, save for a tiny fluorescent pink Pucci G-string that barely covered what little modesty she had left, and a pair of transparent, ridiculously high platform sandals, the like of which you could only buy in sex shops.

Allegra shook her head nervously. ‘Suit yourself,’ the girl had shrugged, kissing her teeth as she sauntered off towards some guy, collapsing on top of him, brazenly sliding her hand inside his boxer shorts and getting to work.

Allegra self-consciously pulled at her tiny designer denim mini skirt and wished she had worn her maxi dress instead. This was a bona fide fucking sex and drugs orgy; a world away from the occasional flash of G-string she’d indulged in after one too many cocktails at Funky Buddha on a Friday night back home – and it was scaring the shit out of her. She anxiously checked her iPhone. She would kill Tess for abandoning her like this. So much for fucking friendship. She’d been on her own for the past hour and a half, nervously fending off the unwanted attention of various freaks. Bloody Tess Scott … why did she always have to play the wild card?

As she made her way up the stone steps, discarding her cumbersome pair of patent Louboutins in haste, Allegra fought back the urge to burst into tears. In a moment of rare clarity she suddenly felt exactly what she was; a little girl playing at being a grown up and she wanted her daddy.

‘I’m looking for a girl …’ she stammered in a small, nervous voice to a guy who was propped up against the wall in the hallway, audibly dragging on a suspicious-looking cigarette, ‘long, dark blonde hair … white hot pants … Gucci bikini …?’

The pockmark-faced guy grinned, a horrible self-satisfied smirk that only served to accelerate Allegra’s rapidly burgeoning sense of unease. He thumbed the door behind him.

Shaking as she pushed past him, Allegra opened the door to the bedroom and instinctively put both hands up to her mouth to stifle a shocked scream. It was dark inside, the unremarkable room lit only by a small undetectable light source but it was enough to see that Tess, who was sprawled out across the bed, was completely naked save for a bottle of tequila in her hand, which she was proudly holding up like an Olympic torch. There was a guy on top of her, also naked, while another was knelt behind her, his erect cock visible as she giggled with delight, tequila spilling from her glossy lips. There was a third guy too, Allegra recognised him as Marco from the club, who appeared to be filming it all. He was shouting out words of encouragement, ‘yeah baby, you look so hot baby, ooh yeah, show us what you got …’

Stunned into silence, Allegra watched in horror as one of the three men grabbed a giant, obscene-looking dildo from a repertoire of sex toys on the bedside table.

Tess began to moan in pain or ecstasy, Allegra couldn’t be sure which. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. Jesus, was she on drugs?

Suddenly alerted to Allegra’s presence, the guys in the room all looked over in her direction.

‘Hey sweetheart,’ Marco acknowledged her, his voice a forced saccharine sweet, ‘you come to join in the fun?’

Paralysed to the spot, Allegra vigorously shook her head in the negative. Tess, seemingly oblivious, didn’t even look up.

Marco watched Allegra for a long moment, momentarily allowing the camera to drop to his waist, his dark, beady eyes boring terrifying holes into her.

‘Well, close the door on your way out then if you’re not staying, yeah?’ he snapped coldly before turning his back on her towards the action. ‘Come on guys, I wanna get this all in one take.’

Tearing through the villa like her life depended on it, Allegra finally found herself outside on the dusty road track where she ran, barefoot, sandals in hand, in the opposite direction of the villa. As the noise gradually faded and, deciding she was probably no longer in any imminent danger, Allegra collapsed against a small stone wall and slumped to the ground. Her heart was beating a song inside her chest and she struggled to catch her breath; she thought she might pass out. What the fuck did Tess think she was playing at having a gangbang with all those guys? And filming it too! Tess had always been a bit crazy but this time she’d taken it way too far. Stupid, selfish bitch. Yet as angry as Allegra was, a small voice inside her said that there had been something horribly wrong about the scene she’d just witnessed; something dark and sinister. Still, if Tess had been stupid enough to put any of that shit up her nose then as far as Allegra was concerned she deserved all she got.

With her fear gradually subsiding, Allegra started to relax a little, her thoughts beginning to take a new turn. Wiping her nose with the back of her shaking hand, she reached inside her Mulberry clutch bag for her phone.

‘Daddy!’ she said, her voice cracking with emotion as she finally broke down in tears, sobbing like a little girl. ‘Can you send a plane for me? I want to come home.’

As far as Allegra Kennedy-Ling was concerned, Tess Scott was on her own.

Wicked Wives

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