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Tonight he looked lonely.

He’d obviously come to the reception on his own. She’d heard about his divorce—hard not to when it had been splashed across the media. Not that there had been anything salacious. Just the usual bland statement about him and his wife separating, no one else involved and a request to respect their family’s privacy. Still, on a slow sports day during the summer hiatus, it had filled column inches.

As if he felt her studying him, Scotty looked up and their gazes met. Held.

Her heart double skipped. Was that a flicker of interest widening his pupils?

There was something about the recently retired captain that drew her to him. His dark hair, flecked with gray, was still short, like it had been when he was playing. His tanned face bore the scars of his career. The one that had always fascinated her was the white line that marred his otherwise perfect lips. Left side, near the corner. The result of a high stick—one that hadn’t been penalized—it had taken twenty-five stitches to close the cut.

He gave a half smile, raised his glass to her, then returned his attention to his drink.

Wow. Talk about a look that packed a punch.

Suddenly, she wanted to make that half smile full-blown.

A Perfect Strategy

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