Читать книгу The One That Got Away - Annabel Kantaria - Страница 16
ОглавлениеAround 10 a.m. I stick my head out of my office and call my assistant. I’ve been in the office since 8.30 and haven’t done a shred of work.
‘Rachel! Can I borrow you for a minute?’
She looks up from her desk. ‘Shall I bring any client files?’
‘No. Just yourself and the project book.’
She raises her eyebrows and goes over to the filing cabinet where she keeps what we call the ‘Project X’ book.
I pace my office while I wait for her. There are other things I should be thinking about but the need to conquer Stell is consuming me; it’s all I can think about, night and day. I’m treating her as if she’s a major client I need to win over. And, in a way, she is.
Rachel closes the door behind her. ‘How did it go down? The car?’
‘He didn’t say.’ I’m chewing on a little flap of skin at the edge of my nail, careful not to let slip that it’s a woman I’m trying to impress. ‘They have to have liked it, though. Right?’
‘I should imagine so. And the other things? The book? Did the world’s pickiest CEO realise it was a first edition?’
‘Yes, he said thank you.’
Rachel smiles. ‘Good. It took for ever to track that down. So – now what’s the plan? Maybe it’s time you tried to have a one-to-one meeting?’
I sigh. ‘I’ve tried. I just keep getting blanks.’
‘Maybe they’re just not interested. Maybe they’re going with someone else, or they don’t need advertising at this stage.’ Rachel sighs. ‘Come on, George, it’s not as if we need their business specifically. Maybe it’s time to draw a line under this one.’ Rachel looks at me then and, as she reads my expression, her face softens. She cocks her head to one side.
‘Who is it? Is it really a potential client?’
I close my eyes and exhale.
‘Is it a woman?’
I shake my head. ‘Just someone I was at school with.’
‘And you need to settle an old score? Getting their business would mean a lot to you?’
I smile. ‘Something like that.’
A look passes between us. I know that she knows I’m lying. I’m sure she suspects it’s a woman. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s had to cover for me when Ness calls. But she’s way too professional to admit it.
‘Right,’ she says, opening the notebook. ‘Let’s see. What have we done so far? What else can we do? Opera tickets? Theatre?’
I go over to the window and stare out, my hands in my pockets. ‘You know what, Rach? I think you’re right. I think it’s time I tried for another face-to-face meeting.’