Читать книгу Coming Home - Annabel Kantaria - Страница 25
ОглавлениеIt wasn’t easy getting the bike down from the attic but, somehow, I managed. I was keen to do it before Mum got back and, somehow, after a struggle that broke two of my nails, gouged out a small section of wallpaper and left a smear of oil on the paint of the attic door, both the bike and I were on the landing. I bumped it down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I examined it more thoroughly, remembering the do-it-yourself tutorials Dad had given Graham and me in this very room; the reluctant (on my part) Sunday afternoons spent learning how to oil our chains, flip off the tyres and change the inner tubes. The bike needed a bit of a service, a good re-grease and a couple of new tyres, but, aside from that, it was in good shape. I lay newspaper over the kitchen floor, dug out the toolkit and the oilcan from under the stairs and, cranking up the radio, got to work.
I didn’t hear Mum come in, not until she snapped off the radio, causing me to jerk up from where I was slowly dripping oil into the chain. I was starting to wonder if I’d actually have to take the bike for a professional service; the chain was more dilapidated than I’d originally thought, and the brake blocks definitely needed changing.
Mum was breathing heavily, her basket of shopping dropped at her feet, Richard hovering behind her. ‘What are you doing?’ Her voice was quiet, but a red spot high on each cheek belied her calmness.
‘Oh hi!’ I said, realising at once that I’d underestimated her. Woefully underestimated her. Of course she would remember Dad’s bike. I looked at the floor, my cheeks burning in shame. I could have handled it so much better. How could I have been so stupid to think she wouldn’t recognise the bike?
‘Umm …’
‘Is it your father’s?’
I nodded feeling like an eight-year-old. I could feel my lip curling like I was going to cry. I made a mistake! I wanted to say. Go away and I’ll put it back and we’ll pretend it never happened! ‘It was in the attic,’ I said.
‘And what are you doing to it?’ Mum’s words were clipped.
‘I was just taking a look at it …’
‘Oh, no reason. Just … I wondered what you wanted to do with it.’
‘Well, mark my words, young lady. You will not be riding that bike. You hear me?’
‘I said, you are not riding that bike.’
‘But …’
‘But nothing. Now you’ve got it down, you may as well put it outside for the bin men. But mark my words, if I catch you …’ Mum let out a stifled scream and steamed out of the room, fury stuck to her like a swarm of bees.
‘It was twenty years ago!’ I shouted after her, suddenly furious myself. ‘When are you going to face up to it? He’s dead! They are both dead!’ I dropped the oilcan and collapsed onto my knees on the kitchen floor.
Richard looked sadly at me and shook his head. ‘To be fair, Evie, that was a bit much.’
‘To be fair, Richard,’ I snapped, ‘it’s none of your business.’
I waited for him to leave the room, then stood up, rubbing out the ache in the small of my back. I wheeled the bike out into the garden and around the side of the house, where I propped it up by the bins. I’d decide what to do with it later.