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Chapter Two


Kira did her best to ignore Sarkany as they made their way through the trees. He moved without making a sound and yet her gaze was drawn to his fluid stride.

She huffed out a breath. Focus on the hunt, Kira.

The path they were following was rough and overgrown. She looked at the forbidding peaks above them and the thick forest of trees. “It’s going to get a lot rougher.”

Sarkany shrugged. “That’s why he chose this location—better protection. His lair’s up there and he’ll protect it. Fiercely.”

She nodded and trudged on. It was strange sharing a hunt. She was used to working alone and making her own decisions. What was Sarkany doing here, so far from his assigned hunting grounds? He’d guarded Spain for years, one of the toughest areas—home to the Order of Calatrava.

Her prediction was right. The path got rougher, the trees and vegetation crowding in. The day was dying away and the forest shadows grew darker. She tugged up the collar of her jacket to block the cool air. “The path’s too narrow. We’ll have to go single file.”

“I’ll take the lead.” He started to shoulder past her.

She slapped a hand against his chest. “I’ll take the lead.”

His lips firmed into a hard line. Then he gestured in front of him. “Be my guest.”

They trekked along in silence, but she felt his gaze boring into her back. The tension between them grew, stretched taut, like a band waiting to snap.

Finally she broke it. “What are you doing in Hungary? The zealous monks of the Calatrava get too much for you?”

“The Dragonstalkers don’t bother me, even if they do believe any being with a drop of dragon blood should be exterminated.” He paused. “It was time to come home.”

He meant home to the Dragon Court. She’d caught glimpses of him there over the years, when he’d come to visit his family. The Sarkany family ruled over the dragon lords. His uncle and aunt were the Draco and the Wivere, the Dragon King and Queen.

Right now the Court was in its historical home, Budapest. In the old days, it had always stayed in Hungary, but now, in the age of jets and the Internet, it moved every few years to different locations around the world. And allowed dragons all over the world access to their royal family.

“My cousin has taken over the Order. I’ve been helping him.”

She knew it was tradition for the crown prince to run the Order and protect the dragon bloodlines. “I heard Rhain was taking over.”

There was a pause. “You know Rhain?”

“Only by reputation.” She’d heard the stories about Rhain Sarkany, the future dragon king. The dark, dangerous prince was making quite a name for himself as a knight. And a notorious womanizer.

Sarkany grunted. “I haven’t seen you at Court.”

“I haven’t been since—” She broke off, glad she wasn’t facing him.

“Since I killed Marek?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Most dragons were sympathetic when a family suffered a member turned wild, but some considered it a stigma. Kira had been too lost in her grief to bear the whispered rumors and sidelong looks at Court.

“He wasn’t the same man. He wasn’t your brother anymore.”

She stopped, pivoted on one heel. Hot emotion rose in her throat, burning like bile. The last thing she wanted to discuss were the final minutes of her brother’s life. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

His green gaze drilled into her. “Are you going to blame me forever?”

“I could have saved him!” The shouted words echoed in the forest around them. “I would have tried, but you killed him.”

He was silent for a moment. “And I’d do it again.”

“Damn you.” Her fist flew out, no conscious thought behind the action. He caught it before it slammed into his jaw.

But her other arm was already swinging. Her knuckles slammed into his gut and the shock reverberated up her arm. She winced. She might as well have hit rock.

His only reaction was a narrowing of his eyes. “Don’t start a fight you can’t win.”

It was like a waving a red flag in front of her. All her pent-up emotions exploded into an inferno. She let her training take over, dropped down and swiped at his ankles with her leg.

Surprised, he went down like a felled tree. But years of training and experience kicked in, and he was back on his feet in a second.

She attacked again, leading with a roundhouse kick. He blocked it with a strong forearm, jarring her leg. She pulled back, ready for her next attack.

“Kira.” His tone was dark, lethal. “Don’t do this. You’ll regret it.”

A hot ball coalesced in her belly. All the heartache, all the fury at the loss of her brother found a target. She launched herself at Sarkany and tackled him to the ground.

They rolled through the dirt, down the path and came to a stop. Him on top.

“Stop it.” He slammed her arms above her head. “You might be good, but I’m better.”

He was so close the heat of him seeped into her, fired her already overwhelmed senses. She sensed his leashed strength and the sheer sexuality burning off him. She bucked in an attempt to dislodge him, but instead, his hips settled further into the cradle of hers.

His hard erection pushed against her thigh and she froze. “Let me go.”

“Are you going to behave?”

Her dragon writhed inside her, wanted to pull his dark head down and fuse her lips to his. He smelled like wood, spice and healthy male sweat—an irresistible combination. Her anger morphed into something more deadly, harder to control.

He had to get off her. Before she did something she’d regret.

She jerked her knee up, aiming where he was most vulnerable. Her movements were hampered by the weight of him and she only grazed his thigh. Still, it was enough to make him loosen his grip.

Leaping to her feet, she lashed out again with a side kick.

This time he used his full strength against her. She realized how much he’d held back before. And just how strong he was.

Kira found herself facedown on the ground, cheek pressed to the dirt. He lowered his body on her again, pinning her. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was a knight and a good fighter, but she’d been bested. He was better and more experienced, although she’d had a chance if she hadn’t lost control.

“I probably deserved the first hit, but I’m not going to let you get away with it again.” His lips brushed her ear, his breath hot on the back of her neck.

She squeezed her eyes shut. Against the shame of having attacked a higher-ranking knight. Against the dazzling sensations he incited in her.

How could she want this man? Sarkany nuzzled her neck and her back went stiff. “What are you doing?”

“You smell so good.”

She burned, wanted to turn around and let this man have her. It was so easy to imagine how he’d feel naked, thrusting inside her. Oh, God. She was so weak.

“Please don’t do this. Get off me.” She hated that she sounded so panicked.

He rested his face against her hair and she thought she heard him sigh. Then he pushed off her.

She warily got to her feet and forced her breathing to slow. She needed to get herself under control.

He dusted off his clothes. “Let’s call a truce.”

She stared at a point over his shoulder, couldn’t look him in the eye. She didn’t want to think about what had just happened. Think about the wild, Kira. You have a job to do.

She managed a nod. “Okay, truce.”

Savage Dragon

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