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“Did you two kiss and make up?” Naomi asked



“Why not?”

Lindsey exhaled with annoyance. “I know you’re under a lot of stress, Naomi, so I’m making allowances. But do me a favor, would you? Back off.”

Naomi’s brows rushed together just as her twin brother’s did when he was upset. “Someone’s got to make you see sense!”

“Your timing’s lousy. I have to go out into that blizzard—with a crazy gunman somewhere nearby. Excuse me if my mind’s on my job right now.”

“Spare me the dedicated ranger act, Lindsey. I know you better than that.” Naomi paused. “I thought we were friends.”

Lindsey straightened, her eyes narrowed. “We were never friends.”

The other woman’s flushed cheeks acknowledged the truth of Lindsey’s words. “No, but later on, I wanted to be. I know I went about things wrong, but I needed my twin! I swear, Lindsey, I never meant for my relationship with Eric to damage yours. Or to cause bad blood between the two of us.”

Lindsey held up a restraining hand. “Naomi, I didn’t come back here to assign blame. Eric didn’t trust me. Whatever you said to him made no difference in that department.”

The Replacement

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