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‘Have dinner with me,’ he said abruptly.

It wasn’t really a question, and the suddenness took her breath away. Flustered, she could only open and close her mouth like an idiot.

‘I don’t know if I’m ready to date again. I mean if it is a date…’ She flushed deeply as he grinned widely.

‘That’s kind of what I had in mind.’ His eyes dropped to the ring finger of her left hand. ‘Perhaps you’re right,’ he said softly. ‘But, Georgie, I only had dinner in mind. That’s all.’

Her heart was thudding uncomfortably in her chest. What should she do? There was no doubt she found him attractive, almost painfully so. It was just his career. Hadn’t she repeatedly told herself that she would never want to be with a man who put his life in danger almost every day of his life? Logan would be gone in three months. Far better that she keep her distance. On the other hand, it was just dinner. What was the harm in that? Two colleagues sharing a meal.

Confused by the conflicting emotions whizzing around her brain, she shook her head. ‘I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.’

Logan took a step back, surprise written all over his face. Georgie guessed that he wasn’t used to being turned down.

‘Of course,’ he said smoothly. ‘I understand. Maybe another time?’

‘Sure,’ Georgie mumbled. ‘Sorry, I’ve got to run.’ And before he could say anything else she took off, as if the devil himself was behind her.

Rescued: Mother and Baby

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