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Part IV: Practicing Friendship


The fourth and culminating sub-movement seeks to develop more fully informed practice. Integral to the practical theological enterprise is a “preferential option for practice.”87 This move towards transformed action is described by Browning as strategic or fully practical theology, in which the theologian returns to the original issue with ideals that have become better understood in order to determine what additional light can be thrown on the issue and what deeper interpretations are now possible. The crucial test of clarified ideals and norms is their capacity to heal and nurture persons and groups within specific contexts.88 The following questions are recommended for this movement: How do we understand the specific context in which we must act? What is ideal praxis within this context?89 How do we “critically defend” the norms of such praxis?90 What strategies should we use in this context?

Implicit within the final question is the issue of where people are currently at, and what first steps can be taken towards processes of transformation. Communication is a key focus. For those who see practical theology exclusively as application, this last question concerning means and strategies is thought to be the totality of practical theology. Yet strategic practical theology is broader than application, and includes public as well as ecclesial dimensions.91

Rich practical thinking contributes to the life of the church, and to the common good in the broader community. Thus, a strategic practical theology of friendship is concerned with the praxis of friendship in the world, as well as within faith communities. To this end, the fourth phase of this research consists of a ninth chapter outlining ideal praxis, along with strategies for encouraging such praxis.

Towards Friendship-Shaped Communities: A Practical Theology of Friendship

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