Читать книгу The Disgraced Marchioness - Anne O'Brien, Anne O'Brien - Страница 3


Dear Reader

In The Disgraced Marchioness I have recounted the intense but dangerous love affair between Lord Henry Faringdon and Eleanor, Marchioness of Burford—the widow of Henry’s older brother. The possibilities in their relationship fascinated me. A tale of mistaken rejection and betrayal, but above all a family saga of searing passion and undying love.

The desire to write this first volume in The Faringdon Scandals mini-series was born out of an interest in marriage in Regency England—particularly in the circumstances that might prevent marriage between members of one family. Love decrees that Henry and Eleanor be together. The severe rulings of the law seem destined to keep the lovers apart.

Henry, with his dark good looks, must assuredly attract the interest and admiration of any woman, but he is strong-willed, with more than a hint of the Faringdon pride. Beautiful Eleanor, spirited and headstrong, finds it difficult to hide a fragility that would stir the protective instincts of a lesser man than Henry. And with an intimate history between them, from which neither has emerged unscathed, Henry cannot turn his back on her.

Just how will their relationship fare when scandal erupts, to threaten Eleanor with disgrace and cause the Faringdons to be snubbed by the contemptuous haut ton?

The history of the Faringdon brothers doesn’t stop with this book, but is continued with Nick’s story in The Outrageous Débutante, coming soon!

I hope that this dynamic, vivacious but remarkably devoted family will delight you as much as they did me!

The Disgraced Marchioness

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