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“‘Until you marry my mother’?”

April asked Jared incredulously. “That’s what our son said?”

“His very words.” Jared paced the cedar deck. “Look, don’t get me wrong,” he said. “I’m all for getting along—for Tyler’s sake,” he felt compelled to add.

“Of course. Tyler needs to understand that… marriage is out of the question.”

Somehow, hearing what he had already surmised didn’t cheer Jared as much as it should. Though she was right, of course. There was no way. There couldn’t be. “Right.”

“We need to show Tyler how it is between us.”

“Uh-huh.” Though outwardly attentive, and conceding that what she said made perfect sense, Jared once again found himself listening with only half a mind. The other half, and all of his body, kept straying into forbidden territory.

He watched April’s lips move as she spoke and all he could think of was how much he wanted to kiss her.

My Baby, Your Son

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