Читать книгу Callaway Country - Annette Broadrick - Страница 11

Chapter 1


When the family decided to throw a party, they went all out, Clay Callaway thought as he paused just inside the doorway of the Grand Ballroom of the Anatole Hotel.

It was the Texas way, after all.

Everything glittered, from the giant chandeliers with their dazzling crystal pendants to the multitude of diamonds and other precious gems draped around the necks and wrists of the glamorous women who were attending the gala benefit in Dallas, Texas.

This little shindig would let the world know that there was solidarity in the family. Whenever trouble struck, the Callaways circled their wagons and unloaded their arsenal.

Tonight was the first salvo.

The melody from the song “We Are Family” kept running through his head as he spotted various members of the clan strategically placed at tables around the mammoth room, brushing elbows with the nationally elite in social, business and political circles. There were more than a few famous faces from the entertainment field, as well.

Clay wasn’t supposed to be there, but someone with a great deal of clout had managed to get him pulled off his overseas assignment with his Special Forces unit. Yesterday, he’d received orders to come to Texas and to be available for this evening. He’d barely managed to get here in time for the benefit and was a little annoyed at the abrupt change in his assignment.

It wasn’t that Clay didn’t want to help out whenever and wherever he was needed. Once he’d been informed of the problems the family was having, he was willing to do whatever he could to resolve the problem.

What ate at him was the fact that circumstances had conspired against him, forcing him to return to his home state. He’d successfully managed to avoid the area for years. Too many memories were triggered whenever he returned home, memories he’d been able to avoid until now.

Clay mentally acknowledged his cowardice in making certain that he did not arrive at the party alone.

“Quite a collection of friends your family has,” his date laughingly said in a seductively low voice.

Clay glanced down at Melanie Montez and grinned. She had no idea how grateful he was that she’d accepted his last-minute invitation to meet him in Dallas tonight.

She was one delectably sexy woman without any effort on her part—and her efforts tonight had his body humming. Granted, he’d been without a woman for much too long, but Mel would have a monk questioning his celibacy vows…and he sure wasn’t a monk.

She glowed with excitement and anticipation. He wished he could feel the same way. Although his appearance tonight was a command performance, he had to admit that Mel would be an enticing consolation prize at the end of the evening.

Clay had met Melanie two years ago in Istanbul during one of his weekend liberties. She’d been there because she’d had a small part in a movie being shot in Europe that summer. They were staying at the same hotel. Once they discovered they were both Texans far from home, the two of them had struck up a conversation that had evolved into a friendship he’d grown to treasure.

Because his available time was limited—as was hers—it was a rare treat for him to be able to see her. As soon as he’d read his orders, he’d called her agent to find out where she was. After he’d finally managed to track her down, he’d been relieved that she seemed eager to be there.

The public who knew her image would never believe that Melanie could have a platonic relationship with a man. She had made it clear to him from the very beginning that she wasn’t interested in a casual affair. She had no desire to live up to her public image in her personal life.

He enjoyed her company—her intelligence, her dry humor and her ability to laugh at her public persona while at the same time using her sexy image to build her career.

He hadn’t been interested in a casual relationship, either, and his spare time when not on duty was too limited to be able to offer any woman a stable relationship. However, when he’d offered to get them a suite at the hotel for the weekend, Melanie had readily agreed to stay with him, which was a first.

Clay knew that he was finally ready to take this relationship a step further. He took her presence there to mean that she wanted to move forward, as well.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, you know,” she added, her eyes sparkling.

“Glad I could tempt you into coming,” he responded with a grin.

She turned and stroked his cheek. “You’re all the temptation I’ve ever needed, something I should never admit to you. You’re cocky enough.”

He took her hand and brought it to his mouth, then carefully kissed each fingertip, nibbling on the smallest one.

Something caught her attention and she looked past him. “Isn’t that Cole Callaway?” Melanie whispered, nodding toward the tall, silver-haired man greeting new arrivals near the door.

Clay was amused at the awe in her voice. His uncle had that effect on people. “Yes, ma’am, it certainly is. Uncle Cole is the head of the clan. The petite lady beside him is his wife, Allison.”

“That is Allison Alvarez, the famous sculptor? She looks too young to have made such a name for herself for so many years.”

“She’ll be pleased to know you think so,” he replied. He took her hand and led her over to the line of people waiting to be greeted.

Melanie’s infectious laugh rang out, causing a few people to glance their way. “Don’t you dare embarrass me by telling her, Clay. You promised to be on your best behavior!”

Clay attempted his innocent look but knew she wasn’t buying it. “You are aware, are you not,” he drawled, “that you will be meeting my parents tonight? My father will definitely demand to know your intentions toward me.”

She blinked her wide green eyes, her long lashes quivering, and replied in a throaty voice, “Well, honey, I’ll just have to explain to him that they are—and always have been—very dishonorable.” She almost purred the last word, which caused him to burst into laughter.

The couple just ahead of them moved away and Clay was face-to-face with Cole. His uncle grinned. “I’m pleased to see you’re already enjoying yourself, Clay.” He shook his hand. “Glad you could make it tonight.”

Clay nodded in response. “Oh, I don’t think there was ever a doubt about that, was there?”

He had no idea how his uncle had managed it, but Clay had no doubt the man in front of him had something to do with his being there tonight.

Cole smiled. “We need to get together a little later this evening—if you can spare the time,” he added with a sidelong glance at Melanie.

“Of course, sir. I’m looking forward to it.” He drew her closer to his side and said, “I’d like you to meet Melanie Montez. Mel, my aunt and uncle, Cole and Allison Callaway.”

Allison smiled and took Melanie’s hand. “I’m delighted to meet you. I believe I read that you’re originally from Texas, is that right?”

Melanie nodded. “Yes, from a small town in south Texas that nobody’s ever heard of.”

“I’m so pleased that you were able to join us tonight,” Allison said. “I understand you have a new movie coming out in a few weeks.”

Clay watched as his aunt managed to charm yet another person into opening up and sharing her life. Allison never ceased to amaze him. Cole was lucky to have her.

He slid his arm around Mel’s bare shoulders and said, “I’m starving. Let’s find a table somewhere and hit the buffet.”

Allison chuckled. “I believe your mother expects you to sit with them tonight,” she said, nodding to a table across the room from the entrance.

“Great,” he said, slowly moving his hand along Melanie’s shoulders and down her arm to her hand. Taking it in a firm grasp, he said, “Let’s go meet the folks, gal. Hope you’re up for this.”

He started across the crowded room with the sound of Allison’s laughter ringing in his ears.

Melanie said, “If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were nervous about seeing your folks tonight.”

“Not nervous, exactly. It’s just that they’ve been trying to get me to come back home for years and I’ve never made it until now. I generally meet up with them somewhere during their travels.”

“Ah. So they’re going to be surprised to see you here tonight?”

He knew his laugh sounded a little hollow. “It seems I’m the only one who’s surprised,” he said, glancing back at Cole. “Sometimes I forget the kind of power this family can wield.”

Cody, Clay’s father, stood when he spotted them approaching the table. His grin lit up the room. “Glad you could make it, son,” he said, grabbing Clay in a bear hug. “Somehow I expected you to show up in your uniform.”

“I took time to shave and change into my tux at the airport. You wouldn’t have wanted to see what I looked like coming off that plane this evening.” Then he leaned over and hugged and kissed his mother, Carina. “I swear, Mom, you get younger-looking every year.”

He introduced Melanie to his parents.

Carina said, “Clay’s sisters will be thrilled to death to meet you, Melanie. They should be arriving any time now.” She gave Clay a quick glance that spoke volumes. “We had no idea that Clay knew you.”

With commendable poise, Melanie chuckled and said, “I’m just one of his many deep, dark secrets, don’t you know?”

Clay thought it was time to change the subject. “Have you two been to the buffet yet?” he asked his parents.

“Actually, we thought we’d wait until the line thinned down a little,” Carina replied.

“Obviously you haven’t skipped as many meals as I have getting here,” Clay said. He looked at Melanie. “How about it, Mel? Think you can force yourself to eat something?”

She held up her fist in a mock threat before turning to his parents and saying, “Let’s see if feeding him will calm this unruly beast, shall we?” She led the way to the buffet, giving Clay the opportunity to admire her figure, showcased in a flaming red dress that clung to every curve.

As soon as they reached the line in front of the buffet Clay caressed the small of her back. “Have I mentioned how exotic you look in that dress?” he whispered in her ear.

She leaned against him slightly and glanced over her shoulder at him. “I was beginning to think you hadn’t noticed,” she replied with a saucy grin.

“I may be suffering from severe jet lag at the moment, but I’m not dead.”

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, causing her body to enticingly rub against him. “Mmm. So I notice.”

He laughed outright. “How long has it been since I last saw you?”

“Not that I’m counting, but it’s been close to eight months…four days…and, oh, six-and-a-half hours?”

“Unfortunately it’s going to be several more hours until I can get you alone, I’m afraid. I have no idea how long this meeting will last tonight.”

“It must be important for him to have it this evening.”

“Oh, it’s important, all right. Otherwise he wouldn’t have gone to the trouble to get me here.”

The line moved ahead of them, and Melanie straightened and picked up a plate. “I’ll be waiting for you whenever you can get away.”

He smiled at her, placing his fingertip lightly against her bottom lip. “I’m counting on it.”

Pamela McCall sat at one end of the ballroom watching the milling crowd, wishing she were anywhere else but at this big benefit bash. It felt a little strange to be back in Texas socializing with many of her father’s constituents. She’d made a point of avoiding the political life he’d embraced for years.

However, she’d responded to the invitation out of a sense of loyalty toward the Callaways, particularly Cody and Carina Callaway. Her childhood would have been dismally lonely if Carina hadn’t stepped into her life and filled in the empty space left when Pam’s mother had died.

Pam knew that it was time for her to attempt to repay part of the debt she owed them, despite her personal feelings in the matter.

Ostensibly the party tonight was a benefit to raise money for various charitable causes, but anyone who knew the Callaways was aware this gathering was a bold statement made by the family: Don’t Tread on Me.

Her father, a U.S. senator from Texas, had sent one of his staff members, Adam Redmond, to be her escort for the evening. Pam had made her own way in life and jealously guarded her independence from her domineering father, but she saw no reason to be rude to Adam, who was a nice guy. He was tall, dark, handsome and charming…and only those close to him knew that he was gay.

He was also a dear friend.

She glanced at Adam and smiled. “I’m so glad you’re here, Adam. I can’t imagine anything worse than coming to something like this alone.”

Adam looked around the room before he said, “I thought you knew some of these people, especially the Callaways.”

“Oh, I do. In fact, I was practically raised with Cody and Carina’s children from the time I started grade school. Their daughters are like sisters to me.” She continued to scan the room. “Speaking of whom, I haven’t seen them yet. I—oh, no,” she murmured.

“Is something wrong?”

Pam tried to make light of the moment. “Not really. I just hadn’t expected to see him here tonight,” she said, deliberately turning away from the room and facing Adam once more.

Adam chuckled. “Him? He doesn’t have a name?”

She attempted to hang on to her sense of humor as well as her emotional balance. “Sorry,” she said with a forced smile. “His name is Clay Callaway, the only son of Cody and Carina.”

“Why wouldn’t you expect him to be here? You’re the one who pointed out earlier that the Callaways had turned out in force tonight.”

She shook her head. She didn’t want to discuss Clay Callaway with anyone. Not even with a man as understanding as Adam. She should have expected him to be here, but as the years had passed without hearing anything about him, she’d managed to put him out of her mind. Or so she had told herself.

The twelve years since their last meeting seemed to have vanished as she noted the changes in him.

He’d been a nineteen-year-old boy back then.

He was all muscular, mature male now. She closed her eyes briefly. Seeing him again after all this time would not be a problem. She would not let it be a problem.

When Pam didn’t say anything more, Adam asked, “Which one is he?”

She nodded to the buffet table. “See the man standing next to the blond bombshell in red? That’s him.”

“Hmm. They make a very attractive couple,” Adam said amicably enough.

She watched Clay and his date leave the buffet line with loaded plates and thread their way through the crowd to a table she hadn’t noticed before. Cody and Carina were there, which meant she’d have to go over there some time tonight to say hello.

She took another sip of champagne and decided to postpone that particular meeting for as long as possible.

“Are you ready to get something to eat?” Adam asked several minutes later.

With a renewed determination to enjoy herself, Pam smiled gratefully at him and said, “Sure, let’s go.”

After eating more than was strictly comfortable, Clay could feel himself relaxing into a mellow mood. The drink that kept getting refilled also contributed to his overall sense of well-being. He and Melanie danced several times before someone came to the table to ask her to dance.

Clay smiled his acquiescence and moved over a chair so that he was now next to his mother, who had just returned from the ladies’ lounge.

“You look upset,” he said in a low tone. “Anything wrong?”

She shook her head. “Oh, not really. I just get so angry sometimes at the way things work out.”

“Such as…?”

“I happened to see Katie in the lounge. You know that louse, Arthur Henley, is still giving her a bad time, even though the divorce has been final for over six months.”

“Are you talking about Cole’s daughter, Katie?”


“I hadn’t heard about the divorce. What happened?”

“She finally found out about all his extravagant spending, the other women, his many mistakes at work. Once she filed papers against Arthur, Cole fired him because so many of his management decisions had ended up costing the company a bunch of money.

“Arthur blamed Katie for losing his job, of course. I think he considered himself invincible, from the way he liked to live, throw his weight around, and in general be totally obnoxious. Your dad said the joke in the company for several years was that Arthur was only a divorce away from bankruptcy. I guess it never occurred to him that eventually Katie would get her fill of his behavior and toss him out on his ear. From what she was telling me just now, he’s doing anything he can either to harass and annoy her or to play on her sympathies.”

“Why’d she marry him in the first place?”

Carina smiled. “You know Katie. With her exuberance for life and her need to take care of everyone she meets, she fell headlong into the idea of helping Arthur meet his full potential. Let’s face it, the man is very charming when he wants to be, as well as highly intelligent. He played into her need to be needed, portraying a courageous man working to overcome his impoverished background. I swear he wanted to make Katie feel it was her fault that he’d come from such a poor family. I remember how she used to make all kinds of excuses for him, based on his miserable childhood. Eventually, even our optimistic Katie had to give up. I say that, sooner or later, a person has to take responsibility for himself, instead of looking for others to blame.”

“I’ve lost track of time. How old are Trisha and Amber now?”

Carina’s face softened. “They’re five and absolutely adorable. They remind me so much of Katie when she was at that age…so full of life.”

He glanced around the room. “Where’s Katie now?”

Carina looked around. “I think she’s sitting with her folks tonight. I found her crying in the lounge. I guess Arthur dropped by just long enough to upset her and try to ruin her evening, then left. Being Katie, she was fighting mad that she’d allowed him to get to her that way.” She spotted Katie making her way through the tables across the room and nodded. “There she is now.”

Clay excused himself from the table and wound his way through the crush of people to his cousin.

He hadn’t seen her in years. Her hair had darkened from the reddish-blond color he remembered to a soft auburn, and her beautiful eyes had lost their sparkle. He’d never met Arthur Henley but decided on the spot that the man should be horsewhipped for making Katie miserable.

“Hi, cuz’, how about a dance?” he asked as soon as he was close enough to be heard.

Katie, looking his age rather than the ten years older he knew her to be, glanced around at him in surprise. “Clay? My word, I can’t believe it! You grew up on me when I had my back turned.”

He led her out on the dance floor. “It’s good to see you again, Katie. Where are you living these days?”

“In Austin.”

He was surprised when he took her in his arms to discover that she was tiny. Because of the age difference, he’d always remembered her as being one of the “big kids” in the family. Time certainly had a way of changing a person’s perspective. She barely came to his shoulder, even though she wore high heels.

“You’re looking smashing tonight. Black definitely plays up your beautiful coloring,” he said. It was true. Her fair skin, amber eyes and dark red hair were all enhanced by the midnight color of her gown.

Her eyes filled with tears. “You’re good for my ego, Clay,” she whispered, and looked away.

“I can’t believe the twins are already five. I remember hearing about their birth. Guess I’ve been away for longer than I realized. Maybe I’ll get to see them while I’m home this time.”

She glanced at him in surprise. “Don’t you have to get back to your assignment right away?”

“Actually, I’m on a thirty-day leave, so I’ll be hanging around for a few weeks.”

She brightened. “Well, then. Why don’t you plan to come see us next week? I know the girls will be delighted to see their handsome cousin.”

He wanted to ask her about Henley but decided not to bring up a subject that would be a reminder of all she’d been through. Instead, he kept the conversation lighthearted and teasing. By the time the dance was over, she was laughing with a hint of the old sparkle in her eyes.

He escorted her to the table where her parents held court, bowed over her hand and thanked her for the dance with suitable intensity—causing her to laugh again—then returned to his own table.

Once again, Melanie was dancing. Since his dad was in deep conversation with someone Clay didn’t know, he held out his hand to his mother. “Would you like to dance?”

She grinned. “Taking care of all us neglected women, are you?” She hopped up and took his hand. “I’d love to.” He swung her out onto the dance floor. “Do you know how long you’ll be here?” she asked after they circled the floor once in silence.

He glanced at her and shrugged. “I’m officially on leave for thirty days, but I understand there’s more to my being here than that. I’m to meet with Cole later tonight and will probably find out what’s expected of me.”

“They’re all really worried, Clay. And they aren’t certain who they can trust. Whoever was behind those attacks has money and power. Your dad feels they probably already have their fix in with those in authority.”

“I wonder what they think I can do to help?”

“Your dad says you’ve developed useful skills during your stint in the military that would assist in the investigation to find out who’s behind the assault. Once we have that, Cole will be able to handle it from there.”

“I’ll do whatever I can. You know that. I’m curious why he didn’t ask his own son? Clint’s working in clandestine operations and has more experience in that type of investigation than I do.”

She smiled. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Cole.”

Clay turned them around on the crowded dance floor so that he was now facing in another direction. His attention was drawn to a woman dancing nearby. She was tall and held herself proudly. The high-necked, long-sleeved silver dress she wore was provocative in its simplicity, subtly drawing the eye to her sleek lines. She wore her blond hair drawn up in a classic style that emphasized the pure, aristocratic planes of her face.

She looked like a princess to Clay.

Suddenly she looked his way and he got a glimpse of her eyes. He’d only known one person with eyes so blue they were almost purple. His worst fears had just been confirmed. She had shown up for the benefit. On some level he must have known that he would see her there tonight. However, nothing had prepared him for the sight of her after all these years.

She’d been an attractive teenager. She’d become a stunning-looking adult.

“What is Pamela McCall doing here? I would have thought she’d be too busy with her social life in Washington.” He looked around the room. “Is her father here as well?” He studied the man dancing with her. He was as dark as she was fair. They made an attractive couple.

Not that it mattered to Clay, of course.

“I don’t think the senator was able to come. Allison mentioned that he sent his regrets.”

“And his daughter. Is that her husband?”

Carina glanced around. “I don’t think so. I don’t believe she ever married.”

“Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?” he muttered, turning so that he was no longer facing in Pam’s direction.

“All of that happened years ago, Clay,” his mother said in a gentle voice. “Don’t you think it’s time you forgave her? You’re both different people now.”

He could feel his heart pounding at the sudden shock of seeing her after all of these years.

“You’re right,” he agreed smoothly, fighting to control his reaction. “She means nothing to me.”

“She and Kerry have been friends since they were small girls. I know how hard it was for you to—”

“It’s all right, Mom. Really.” He turned once again before he said, “So tell me what you and Dad have been doing since I saw you last November.” For the rest of the dance he concentrated on his mother’s conversation and ignored the other people on the dance floor.

When the dance was over, Clay escorted Carina back to the table. Melanie had returned moments before. He sat down and draped his arm on the chair behind her. “Having fun?” he asked, leaning over and playfully nipping at her ear.

She chuckled. “Actually, I am. This kind of party has all the ingredients of some of my childhood fantasies. To be rubbing shoulders with all the rich and famous families of Texas is something to be savored.”

He straightened. “Ah, now I know why you showed such an immediate interest in me when we first met.”

She coyly batted her lashes at him and gave him a simpering smile. “But of course, sugar. My attention was in no way swayed by your sexy good looks and fantastic bod. It was only the name Callaway that appealed to me and fed all those girlish fantasies.”

“That’s good to know. I wouldn’t want to think we were taking this relationship to a new level of intimacy for any other reason than to fulfill your fantasies.”

Her laugh rang out, full-bodied and infectious. “Gee! And all this time I thought you were hanging out with me to get your face plastered across all the tabloids as the mysterious male in my bed and in my life.”

“Darn. My secret is out.”

He heard a slight rustle behind him and glanced up to see his mother smiling at someone behind him.

Carina held out her hand and said, “Pamela. Come join us and give us a chance to catch up. Kerry was here a few moments ago. She and Connor should be back shortly.”

Clay fought to remain expressionless as Pam eased past him and sat down in the empty chair between him and Carina. “Hello, Mama Cee,” she said in her husky voice. A wisp of a floral scent wafted around him from her passing. “It’s so good to see you again.” She slowly turned her head and said, “Hello, Clay.”

He noticed that she didn’t add how she felt about seeing him again. At least she wasn’t being a hypocrite.

Clay nodded. “Pam, I’d like you to meet Melanie Montez.” He turned to Melanie and said, “This is Pamela McCall, the senator’s daughter. She’s been a friend of the family for years.”

Pam smiled at Melanie. “Hello. I feel a little tongue-tied at meeting you in person. I’ve really enjoyed your work.”

Clay watched Melanie’s face as she quickly took in the woman’s appearance. He wasn’t sure how Pam managed to look classical as well as seductive, all without baring any part of her body. Melanie smiled at Pam and said “Thank you” without losing her poise.

He hadn’t realized it until right now, but there was a strong physical resemblance between the two women—both blondes, both tall, and both with eyecatching figures. He hated the thought that he might have been attracted to Melanie because of her resemblance to Pam.

He turned to Melanie. “I haven’t had a chance to dance with you in a while. Shall we?” he asked smoothly, standing.

Melanie took his hand and rose. She looked over at Pam and said, “It was nice meeting you,” before following Clay out on the dance floor.

Once dancing, Melanie asked, “What was that all about?”

Clay pulled her closer so that their bodies touched from chest to knees. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She leaned back in his arms and looked into his eyes. “Now, that’s interesting. You’ve never been evasive with me before. One of the things I’ve most admired about you is how you are so direct with me.”

He sighed. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I want to know what’s between you and Ms. McCall. The tension between the two of you was undeniable. If it’s none of my business, just say so, but don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“You’re right. I was avoiding answering you because she isn’t one of my favorite people. However, my family thinks the world of her. She grew up as part of our household. She probably spent more time with us than at her own home.” He moved slowly across the dance floor before adding, “And the truth is, we used to date in high school until she made it clear she was no longer interested in a relationship with me.”

“Ah. You must have been quite serious about her or it wouldn’t still bother you today.”

“I was just a kid back then and it doesn’t bother me to see her today. Not really. I haven’t thought about her in years.” He knew that was a lie as soon as it came out of his mouth. He’d worked hard not to think about her and most of the time he’d succeeded. Determined to put his past where it belonged, he added, “I’m much more interested in the future than I am the past.” He knew that statement to be a hundred percent true.

“She’s very attractive,” Melanie said musingly, as though discussing a painting.

He nibbled on her ear. “Maybe, but I’ve only got eyes for you, sugar.”

Pam watched them dance together for a moment before turning to Carina. “He’s changed a great deal, hasn’t he?” She knew the regret she felt was echoed in her voice.

Carina patted his hand. “First loves are always hard to get over. He managed, just as you did. It was a tough time for you both.”

“But he’s never forgiven me. That’s obvious.” Pam didn’t know why she should feel so much concern after all these years that she had made an enemy of Clay, but the truth was that it hurt. She’d been such a child back then, so caught up in her own pain and turmoil, that she hadn’t faced what her behavior had done to him.

Carina nodded her head toward Clay. “He’s done very well, you know, and loves his career, working in the Special Forces unit of the army. I don’t think he has any regrets. It was just a surprise to see you here when he wasn’t expecting it.”

Pam watched him in silence for several minutes before she said, “I want him to be happy. I figured his ego might have been bruised for a while, but I suppose I hoped that eventually he would realize I saved us both from a serious mistake.”

“Waiting until the night before your wedding to tell a man that you no longer want to marry him takes its toll, honey. Yes, you were both too young. I thought so at that time, but no one was listening to what I had to say then. But it was very hard for Clay. He dealt with it the best way he knew how.” Carina studied her for a moment before briskly saying, “Let’s put all of that in the past where it belongs, all right? What I want to hear from you now is how you’re enjoying your job with the FBI, not to mention hearing about that delectable-looking young man you’re with.”

When the music stopped, the band announced a short break. Melanie paused in the middle of the dance floor and asked, “Do you have any idea how much longer we need to stay? I’m really tired.”

Clay glanced at his watch. “In that case, why don’t you go on upstairs? I’ve got that meeting with my uncle and I don’t know how long I’ll be, but you don’t have to wait around for that.”

“If it’s really all right with you, I think I will get some rest,” she replied, leaning against him.

He gave her a quick kiss and said, “I seem to have gotten my second wind, but when this last rush of adrenaline is gone, I’m going to be ready to collapse, myself. I can’t remember the last time I managed to get more than a nap during the past few days.”

“If you’re sure you don’t mind…”

“No, you go on. Oh! And you’d better tell me the room number. I never thought to ask when I called you from the lobby.” They walked out of the ballroom during their conversation and paused in the hallway outside.

“It’s a suite,” she said, “just as you requested. It’s really very nice. Number 973. Keep knocking so I’ll hear you, in case I fall asleep.”

“Better yet, I’ll get another key at the desk.” He kissed her again, this time with a little more heat. “I’ll enjoy waking you up once I’m lying beside you.”

Clay watched as Melanie walked down the hallway toward the lobby. He wished he was going with her now, but she was the reward he had to look forward to once he was through with this meeting. He turned and went back into the ballroom, determined to concentrate on the future he hoped to build with Melanie and erase the past from his memory.

Callaway Country

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