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THE MONTH’S NOTICE Marie had given at her old job had seemed like an age. She’d received daily email updates about what was going on at the clinic, and she’d spent many evenings and most of her weekends replying to Alex. If their exchanges seemed more businesslike than friendly, then that was all good. They needed to start as they meant to go on, and Marie was ready to begin work in earnest.

She knew what had been done, but that didn’t match the effect of seeing it for herself. The facade of the building had been cleaned, exposing the soft yellow of the brick and the red terracotta detailing around the windows and door. The railings had been sanded and painted, and the old Tarmac playground was now a paved area, dotted with saplings that would soften the space as they grew. The main door had been stripped and varnished, and the dents from being kicked a thousand times as pupils had passed this way only added to its character.

The bell was new as well, and when she pressed it Alex appeared at the door, looking far less formal than his emails had been, and suspiciously like the man she’d dared to kiss. Maybe seeing him every day would quash that reaction.

Marie smiled nervously as he led her through the glass lobby doors. ‘This is amazing!’

Everything was neat and tidy, with cream-painted walls and comfortable seating. Marie knew that the large curved barrier between the receptionist and the public space had been designed to protect the staff by stopping anyone from climbing across, but the sloping front looked like a thing of beauty and not a defence mechanism.

‘I’m pleased with the way it’s turned out.’ Alex looked around as if this was the first time he’d seen the space. ‘You didn’t have to start until Monday, you know. How was your leaving party last night?’

Marie rolled her eyes. ‘Long. We had too much cake, and then we went to the pub. I cried. I need something to do today to work off all the calories and the emotion.’

‘You’re not regretting this, are you?’ He frowned.

‘No. Looking forward to what’s next doesn’t mean I can’t miss my old job a bit as well.’

He quirked his lips down, as if missing the past was something he’d been struggling with, and then smiled suddenly in an indication that he wasn’t about to dwell on that.

‘You want to see your new office?’

‘Yes, please.’

Alex had suggested that she take the office next to his, but Marie wanted to be close to the two practice nurses and the health visitor who comprised their medical support team, and who would be located on the first floor. The problem had been solved by giving her an office that was directly above his and connected by a narrow private staircase.

‘What do you think?’

Cream walls, lots of light and plenty of space. That was standard issue here, but no doubt she could inject a little colour of her own. Marie had chosen a light-framed wooden desk, and behind it was an identical chair to Alex’s.

‘You got me one of these!’ Marie had wanted one, but hadn’t wanted to ask.

‘Yes. Call it an investment. I don’t want you taking any time off sick with a bad back.’

Marie grinned at him and sat down, feeling the chair respond to her weight. ‘I’ll just take two days off to adjust it, shall I?’

‘Mine took a week. The instructions are in your top drawer. Would you like to offer me some coffee?’

‘Have I got any?’

Actually, Marie could do with some coffee. The combination of cake and beer last night had left her feeling a little fuzzy this morning.

‘Behind you.’

He indicated a door at the far end of the cupboards that lined one wall, and sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. Marie went to look and found that the door concealed a neat worktop with a coffee machine and supplies. A splash of colour next to the line of cream mugs caught her eye.

‘You got me a mug!’ She took the bright pink mug down from the shelf and examined it. ‘With a flying pig! You remembered!’

‘You always used to say that you wanted an office with a sofa, and time to sit and talk with your patients.’

The informal seating area in his office contained four easy chairs, covered in a chocolate-coloured fabric, but for Marie he had chosen a sofa and two chairs in a lighter cappuccino colour.

‘And when you said that nothing was impossible, I told you that pigs might fly…’ It had been a joke between them. ‘Thank you, Alex.’

He seemed pleased with her reaction, but there was still a hint of reticence about his manner. The man Marie knew would have seen only exciting new opportunities, but Alex seemed burdened by his responsibilities.

He’d come round. The clinic would be opening next week, and as soon as it started to fill with people he’d respond to that. He was going to have to if this place was to reach its full potential. Alex had so much more than money to give, and it needed his creative enthusiasm to thrive.

Marie switched on the coffee machine, running her finger along the selection of different capsules. ‘I’m going to have to try all of these, you know. I’ll work from left to right.’

‘I’d expect nothing less of you.’

When she put his cup down in front of him, he nodded a thank-you and pushed a manila envelope towards her. Marie opened it, tipping the contents out onto her desk.

‘These are yours. The credit card is for any purchases you need to make, and the key card opens every door inside the clinic. Those two keys are for the main door, and the other one is the main override for the alarm system. The car keys are for the practice’s vehicles.’

Marie laid the keys and cards out in front of her on the desk. This was the start of it all…

‘The IT guy will be coming in on Monday to set up your computer. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.’ Alex got to his feet, picking up his mug. ‘I’ll leave you to settle in, if that’s okay. I have a few things to do.’

Marie had wanted to share all this. Unpacking the bag she’d brought with her and taking a tour of the clinic to see all the work that she and Alex had been discussing for the last month. But Alex was already halfway out of the door.

‘Yes, okay. Maybe we can sit down together later today to go through some things?’

‘That would be great.’ He flashed her a sudden smile. ‘You like your office?’

‘It’s better than I could have imagined. Thank you so much, Alex.’

‘My pleasure.’ He turned, closing the door behind him.

Marie leaned back in her chair, listening to the silence. There was a lot to do here. A whole community of health professionals to build. There were mountains to move, and the most stubborn of them had just walked downstairs. Alex had built his dream, and although he had a fierce determination to see it thrive, Marie sensed he couldn’t love it.

That was going to have to change.

After Saturday’s quiet solitude, most of which Alex had spent closeted in his office, the bustle of workmen and staff on Monday morning was a welcome relief. Marie spent two days with Sofia Costa, the practice manager, interviewing the shortlisted candidates for the medical support team, and on Wednesday morning picked up the flowering plant she’d brought from home and went down to Alex’s office.

She’d wondered if his subdued manner was a reaction to their kiss, part of some kind of attempt to keep things professional, but he was like that with everyone. Thoughtful, smiling, but without the spark that made him Alex. In one way it was a relief to find that it wasn’t just her, but it was clear that the change in Alex’s life and the months spent developing this place had taken their toll on him. He normally thrived on hard work, but this was different. It seemed to be draining all the life out of him.

‘The interviews went well?’ He looked up from the pile of paperwork on his desk.

‘Very well. It was difficult to decide, as they were all good candidates. But Sofia and I have chosen three who are excellent. I’ve emailed their CVs to you so you can take a look at them.’

She put the Busy Lizzie plant down on his desk and Alex picked it up, examining the bright red flowers. ‘Is this a subtle hint that my office could do with brightening up?’

‘No, I don’t do subtle. It’s more in the way of a brazen, in-your-face hint.’

Alex smiled, walking over to the windowsill and putting the pot at the centre. He moved it to one side and then the other, finding the place he wanted it.

‘I don’t suppose you have any more of these, do you?’

Marie hid her smile. The old Alex was still there—he just needed a bit of coaxing out. If he wanted more plants she’d fill his windowsill with colour.

‘I’ve got loads at home. I took some cuttings from my mum’s. I’ll bring you more tomorrow.’


‘I’ve got an idea.’ She sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of his desk.

‘Fire away.’

His lips curved a little. Alex clearly hadn’t lost his penchant for ideas of all shapes and sizes.

‘The light wells. They’re pretty awful as they are, and I’d like to turn them into gardens. I spoke to Jim Armitage and he says that there are some brick pavers that were taken up from around the gym and he saved because they were still good. He reckons they should be fine on top of the concrete, but he needs to get out there to check everything. The key card lock disengages, but there’s an original lock still on the door. Jim was going to climb out of the window, but I persuaded him not to.’

The foreman of works was a portly man approaching retirement, and Marie had feared he’d either get stuck while climbing out or not be able to get back in again. The same thing had obviously occurred to Alex, because one of those flashes of humour that reminded Marie so painfully of the man he’d once been lit his face.

‘Good call. I might have the key somewhere…’ He opened the bottom drawer of his desk, producing a large cardboard box full of keys of all shapes and sizes.

‘So you’ll come and have a look with me?’

If Alex was going to tell her that she was quite capable of doing this alone, then she was going to have to argue with him. She was capable, but that wasn’t the point.

‘I have a few things to do…’

‘This is much more important, Alex. As your co-director, I’m telling you that you need to come.’

He grinned suddenly and stood up.

Step one accomplished. Step two might be a bit trickier…

Marie never had been much good at hiding the motives behind her actions. It was something Alex wished he hadn’t had to learn how to do. She’d decided to get him out of his office and there was no point in arguing that he had work to do when Marie was determined. And when Alex thought about it, he didn’t really want to argue.

He’d missed this. Marie had brought colour to a life that had become suffused by restful cream walls and spaces that were fit for purpose. He followed her along the corridor that ran parallel to one of the light wells, holding the box of keys.

She took her key card from her pocket, swiping it to disengage the main lock, and then started to fish around in the box for keys that looked as if they might fit the older one. It took a few tries to find one that fitted, but finally Alex heard a click as the key turned in the lock.

She rattled the handle of the door. ‘It’s still stuck…’

Alex tried the door. ‘Looks as if it’s been painted shut—no one ever goes out there. You want me to open it?’

She gave him a beatific smile. ‘Yes, please.’

He put his shoulder to the door, and there was a cracking sound as it opened. Marie picked up a plastic bag, which had been sitting on one of the windowsills, and stepped out into the courtyard.

‘Right. We need to check the height of the pavers…’ She produced a brick from the bag, wedging it under the bottom of the doorframe. ‘That looks okay to me. And Jim says there’s drainage, so we’ll be fine there…’

She pulled a folded A2 sheet from the bag, spreading it out on the stained concrete. Marie was nothing if not prepared, and Alex was getting the feeling that he’d been set up. But Marie did it so delightfully.

‘I reckon seats there…and planters in groups here and here… Perhaps a small water feature in the centre? What do you think?’

‘I think that’s great. Do we have the budget for it?’

‘Yes, if we don’t go overboard with things and we use the resources that we already have. Jim says that one of his guys will take me to the garden centre to get what we need.’

‘Fine.’ But something told Alex that his agreement to the plan wasn’t enough. Marie wanted more.

She turned to him, her eyes dancing with violet shards in the sunlight. ‘What do you say, Alex? Do you want to make a garden with me?’

Suddenly the one thing that Alex wanted was to make a garden, but there were more pressing things on his agenda.

‘Do you think that’s the best use of our time? We’re opening in six days.’

‘And the clinic’s ready. You’re not, though. You’ve been stuck in your office, working seven days a week, for months. You need a break before we open, and since I doubt you’ll go home and take one this is a good second-best.’

This. This was why he’d wanted Marie to be his co-director. For moments like now, when she glared at him and told him exactly what he was doing wrong. He’d hoped she might come up with a plan, and that it might not just be for the clinic but for him as well.

‘Well?’ She put her hands on her hips.

She was unstoppable, and Alex did need a break. Something to refill the well that felt in imminent danger of running dry.

‘Okay. I’m in your hands. What do you want me to do?’

‘I’ll go and get what we need for this courtyard, and we can store it all in the other one and start planting everything up. I’ll ask Jim exactly when he can lay the paving; he said he’d probably be able to fit it in this week.’

‘Maybe I can help with that. I could do with the exercise.’ The waistband of his trousers was slightly tighter than usual, and Alex reckoned that he really needed to get to the gym.

‘I wasn’t going to mention that.’

Her gaze fell to his stomach, and Alex instinctively sucked in a breath. He hadn’t thought he was that out of shape.

‘It’s nothing a little sunshine and activity won’t fix.’

‘What? You’re my personal trainer now?’

‘Someone has to do it, Alex. What are friends for?

This was exactly what friends were for. Crashing into your day like a shaft of light, slicing through the cobwebs. Doing something unexpected that turned an average working week into an adventure.

Alex dismissed the thought that it was also what lovers were for. He’d never had a lover who meant as much to him as his friend Marie. He doubted he ever would. He’d seen the way his father had reduced his mother to a sad, silent ghost. Alex had decided a long time ago that he would concentrate on making the best of every other aspect of his life and pass on marriage and a family.

He caught her just as she was leaving the clinic with Eammon, one of Jim Armitage’s builders. ‘Don’t worry about the budget on this. Get whatever you want. I’ll cover it.’

Marie shook her head. ‘We have the money to buy a few planters and grow things. It’s better that way.’

He’d said the wrong thing again. It would mean nothing to him to buy up a whole garden centre. It occurred to Alex that he was becoming used to throwing money at any problem that presented itself, because that meant much less to him than his time. He hadn’t realised he’d lost so much of himself.

‘Okay, well…’ He’d play it her way. ‘Let me know when you get back and I’ll help unload the van.’

‘Great. Thanks.’ She gifted him with an irrepressible smile and turned, hurrying across to the front gates, her red dress swirling around her legs.

As she climbed up into the front seat of the builder’s van that was parked outside the gates, Alex couldn’t help smiling. Marie always looked gorgeous, but somehow she seemed even more so now, rushing towards a future that held only excitement for her and looking oddly pristine in the dusty, battered vehicle.

She’d be a couple of hours at least. Alex turned back to his office, feeling suddenly that those two hours were going to drag a little, with only a desk full of paperwork to amuse him.

When Marie returned, Alex had already found the key to the other courtyard and opened it up, then changed into the jeans and work boots that he kept in the office for inspecting the works in progress with Jim.

The van pulled into the car park, and Marie climbed down from the front seat, cheeks flushed with excitement.

‘You got everything?’

‘Yes, we’ve got some small shrubs and loads of seeds, along with planters and growing compost. I came in two pounds under budget.’

‘And you didn’t buy yourself an ice cream?’ Alex walked to the back of the van, waiting for Eammon to open the doors.

I bought her an ice cream.’

Eammon grinned, and Alex wished suddenly that he’d volunteered to drive. He’d missed his chance to play the gentleman.

He started to haul one of the heavy bags of compost out of the back of the van, finding that it was more effort than he’d expected to throw it over his shoulder. He and Eammon stacked the bags in the courtyard while Marie unloaded the planters from the van.

‘What do you think? I was hoping that less might be more.’

She’d arranged some of the planters in a group and was surveying them thoughtfully. There was a mix of colours and styles. Some large clay pots, a few blue-glazed ones, which were obviously the most expensive, and some recycled plant tubs, which were mostly grey but contained random swirls of colour. Each brought out the best in the others.

‘They’re going to look great.’

Alex picked up two of the heavier clay pots and Eammon took the pot that Marie had picked up, telling her to bring the lighter plastic tubs through.

Another opportunity for gallantry missed. Alex had carefully avoided any such gestures, reckoning that they might be construed as being the result of the kiss that they’d both decided to ignore, but he reckoned if they were okay for Eammon then they were probably permissible for him, too.

Alex was clearly struggling with his role at the clinic. If he’d worked for this then he would have seen it as the realisation of a lifetime’s ambition, but it had all fallen so easily into his lap. The inheritance had left him without anything to strive for and it was destroying him.

Marie’s ambitions had always been small: helping her mother cope with the pressures of four young children and a job, then making a life for herself and keeping an eye on her younger brothers. But at least they were simple and relatively easily fulfilled.

After they’d unloaded the van, carrying everything through to the courtyard and stacking it neatly, Alex seemed in no particular hurry to get back to his office. Marie asked him if he wanted to help and he nodded quietly.

She set out the seed trays, filling them with compost, and Alex sorted through the packets. Then they got to work, sitting on a pair of upturned crates that Alex had fetched.

‘So…tell me again what country your great-grandfather was the king of?’

They’d worked in near silence for over an hour, and now that everyone had gone home for the evening they were alone. Marie had been regretting her reaction to Alex’s disclosure about his family, and the subject had become a bit of a no-go area between them.

Alex looked up at her questioningly. ‘It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t exist any more.’

‘I’m just curious. And… I feel sorry about giving you a hard time when you told me about it.’

‘It’s nothing.’ He puffed out breath and then relented. ‘Belkraine. My great-grandfather was Rudolf the Most Excellent and Magnificent, King of Belkraine. Modesty doesn’t run in the family.’

‘I guess if you’ve got a few squillion in cash and a palace then you don’t need to be modest…’ She paused. ‘Did he have a palace?’

‘Why stop at one when you can have several? The old Summer Palace still exists; it’s near the border between Austria and Italy.’

‘Have you ever been there?’

His lip curled slightly. ‘It was my father’s idea of a summer holiday. We’d go there every year, for a tour of what was supposed to be our birthright. It was excruciating.’

Alex sounded bitter. He wasn’t a man who held on to bad feelings, so this must be something that ran deep with him.

‘I’d be interested to see where my ancestors lived. Although I can say pretty definitely that it wasn’t in a palace.’

‘I guess it’s an interesting place. It’s been restored now, and it’s very much the way it was when my great-grandparents lived there. Unfortunately my father used to insist on pointing at everything and telling my mother and me in a very loud voice that all this was really ours and that we’d been exiled to a life of poverty.’


Marie pulled a face and his lips twitched into something that resembled a smile.

‘Yes, ouch. Even though my great-grandfather brought a fair bit of the family’s wealth with him—and we had more than enough—my father used to reckon that he was poor because he didn’t have everything he thought he should. He had no idea what real poverty is. It was just…embarrassing.’

‘Is that why you never said anything about it?’ Marie was beginning to understand that this hadn’t been a wish to deceive, but something that had hurt him very badly.

‘That and a few hundred other things. Like having to wear a version of the Crown Prince’s military uniform at the annual party he gave on the anniversary of our family ascending the throne in 1432. After a particularly bloody series of wars, I might add. My family took the kingdom from someone else, so I never could see how having it taken from us was any cause for complaint.’

He ripped open a seed packet as if he was trying to chop its head off. Seeds scattered all over the concrete and Alex shook his head in frustration, cursing under his breath.

Marie swallowed down the temptation to tell him that it was okay, that they could pick them up again. This wasn’t about the seeds, and he’d obviously not had much chance to get it out of his system. The idea that it had been nagging at him for so many years, concealed beneath the carefree face he’d shown to the world, was unbearably sad.

She bent down, picking the seeds up one by one. ‘Good thing these aren’t begonias. We’d never be able to pick up those tiny seeds.’

He laughed, his resentment seeming to disappear suddenly. Marie would rather he held on to it. His feelings were shut away now, under lock and key, and when he’d tipped the last of the seeds back into the packet, he stood.

‘I’ve a few things that I really need to do. Do you mind if we start again in the morning?’

‘Of course not. Anything I can give you a hand with?’

‘No, stay here. We really need a garden. It will give people hope.’

Would it give him hope? Or just other people?

Marie decided not to ask, because Alex was already opening the door that led back into the building, and she doubted whether he would have answered anyway.

Best Friend To Royal Bride / Surprise Baby For The Billionaire

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