Читать книгу Re-Awakening His Shy Nurse - Annie Claydon - Страница 2

Dear Reader


It doesn’t seem ten minutes since I first sat down to write one of these letters for my first book, and now I’m on number five it’s becoming a regular pleasure.

It’s often said that true courage is doing something despite your fear. If that’s so then we are all heroes and heroines, because everyone’s done something which has frightened them. And sometimes fear can be a good thing. It warns us of danger, helps to keep us safe. But when fear ceases to be a reaction to present danger and becomes a way of living it’s exhausting and overwhelming.

Katya has lived through a terrible experience, and although her physical wounds have healed she has every reason to feel fearful still. Meeting gentle, handsome Luke might be one of the best things she’s ever done, but it turns out to be one of the most difficult as well, when she is forced to confront her fears head-on.

Some of my own fears are in this book—both rational and irrational—and if writing about them was at times demanding, it was also a voyage of discovery for me.

I hope you enjoy Luke and Katya’s story. I’m always delighted to hear from readers and you can e-mail me via my website at: www.annieclaydon.com


Re-Awakening His Shy Nurse

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