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‘I don’t suppose you’d like to do that again?’

‘This?’ She kissed Tom’s cheek again.

‘Yeah.’ He didn’t move his hands from the countertop, but dipped his head to touch his lips to her forehead. All Cori could think about was making this real. Letting go of the pretence and doing the one thing she wanted to do. She slid her hand over the soft wool of his sweater, up to the collar of his shirt. At the first touch of her fingers on his skin she heard his uneven intake of breath.

When she curled her arm around his neck, pulling him down towards her, he drew her in close, making sure that she felt his body against hers before she had a chance to feel his lips. He wanted her. The knowledge spilled into her like bright light penetrating a very dark place. He wanted her.

Discovering Dr Riley

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