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A. Nutrition of Algae
Оглавлениеa. Character of Algal Cells. Gonidia are chlorophyll-containing bodies and assimilate carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere by photosynthesis as do the chlorophyll cells of other plants. They also require water and mineral salts which, in a free condition, they absorb from their immediate surroundings, but which, in the lichen thallus, they must obtain from the fungal hyphae. If the nutriment supplied to them in their inclosed position be greater or even equal to what the cells could procure as free-living algae, then they undoubtedly gain rather than lose by their association with the fungus, and are not to be considered merely as victims of parasitism.
b. Supply of Nitrogen. Important contributions on the subject of algal nutrition have been made by Beyerinck[235] and Artari[236]. The former conducted a series of culture experiments with green algae, including the gonidia of Physcia (Xanthoria) parietina. He successfully isolated the lichen gonidia and, at first, attempted to grow them on gelatine with an infusion of the Elm bark from which he had taken the lichen. Growth was very slow and very feeble until he added to the culture-medium a solution of malt-extract which contains peptones and sugar. Very soon he obtained an active development of the gonidia, and they multiplied rapidly by division[237] as in the lichen thallus. This proved to him conclusively the great advantage to the algae of an abundant supply of nitrogen.
Artari in his work has demonstrated that there are two different physiological races of green algae: (1) those that absorb peptones—which he designates peptone-algae—and (2) those that do not so absorb peptones. He tested the cells of Cystococcus humicola taken from the thallus of Physcia parietina, and found that they belonged to the peptone group and were therefore dependent on a sufficiency of nitrogenous material to attain their normal vigorous growth. It was also discovered by Artari that the one race can be made by cultivation to pass over to the other: that ordinary algae can be educated to live on peptones, and peptone-algae to do without.
We learn further from Beyerinck’s researches that Ascomycetes, the group of fungi from which the hyphae of most lichens are derived, are what he terms ammonia-sugar fungi; that is to say, the hyphae can abstract nitrogen from ammonia salts and, with the addition of sugar, can form peptones. The lichen peptone-algae are thus evidently, by their contact with such fungi, in a favourable position for securing the nitrogenous food supply most suited to their requirements. In their deep-seated layers, they are to a large extent deprived of light, but it has been proved by Artari[238] in a series of culture experiments extending over a long period, that the gonidia of Xanthoria parietina remain green in the dark under very varied conditions of nutriment, though the colour is distinctly fainter.
Recently Treboux[239] has revised the work done by Artari and Beyerinck in reference to Cystococcus humicola. He denies that two physiological races are represented in this alga, the lichen gonidia, in regard to the nitrogen that they absorb, behaving exactly as do the free-living forms of the species. He finds that the gonidium is not a peptone-carbohydrate organism in the sense that it requires nitrogen in the form of peptones, inorganic ammonia salts being a more acceptable food supply. Treboux concludes that his results favour the view that the gonidia are in an unfavourable situation for receiving the kind of nitrogenous compound most advantageous to them, that they are therefore in a sense “victims” of parasitism, though he qualifies the condition as being a lichen-parasitism or helotism. This view does not accord with Chodat’s[240] results: in his cultures of gonidia he observed that with glycocoll or peptone, which are nearly equivalent, they developed four times better than with potassium nitrate as their nitrogenous food, and he concluded that they assimilated nitrogen better from bodies allied to peptides.
c. Effect of Symbiosis on the Alga. Treboux’s observations however convinced him that the alga leads but a meagre existence within the thallus. Cell-division—the expression of active vitality—was, he held, of rare occurrence in the slowly growing lichen-plant, and zoospore formation in entire abeyance. He contrasts this sluggish increase[241] with the rapid multiplication of the free-living algal cells which cover whole tree-trunks with their descendants in a comparatively short time. These latter cells, he finds, are indeed rather smaller, being generally the products of recent division, but mixed with them are numbers of larger resting cells, comparable in size with the lichen gonidia. He states further, that the gonidia are less brightly green and, as he judges, less healthy, though in soredial formation or in the open they at once regain both colour and power of division. Treboux had entirely failed to observe the sporulation which is so abundant at certain seasons.
Their quick recovery seems also a strong argument in favour of the absolutely normal condition of metabolism within the gonidial cell; and the paler appearance of the chlorophyll is doubtless associated with the acquisition of carbohydrates from other sources than by photosynthesis. There is a wide difference between any degree of unfavourable life-conditions and parasitism however slight, even though the balance of gain is on the side of the fungus. It is not too fanciful to conclude that the demand for nitrogen on the part of the alga has influenced its peculiar association with the fungus. In the thallus of hypophloeodal lichens it has been proved indeed that the alga Trentepohlia with apical growth is an active agent in the symbiotic union. Cystococcus and other green algal cells are stationary, but they are doubtless equally ready for—as many of them are equally benefited by—the association. Keeble[242] has pointed out in the case of Convoluta roscoffensis that nitrogen-hunger induces the green algae to combine forces with an animal organism, though the benefit to them is only temporary and though they are finally sacrificed. The lichen gonidia, on the contrary, persist for a long time, probably far beyond their normal period of existence as free algae.
Examples of algal association with other plants might be cited here: of Nostoc in the roots of Cycas and in the cells of Anthoceros, and of Anabæna in the leaf-cells of Azolla, but in these instances it is generally held that the alga secures only shelter. It was by comparing the lichen-association with the harmless invasion of Gunnera cells by Nostoc that Reinke[243] arrived at his conception of “consortism.”
d. Supply of Carbon. Carbon, the essential constituent of all organic life, is partly drawn from the carbon-dioxide of the air, and assimilated by the green cells; it is also partly contributed by the fungus as a product of its metabolism. A proof of this is afforded by Dufrenoy[244]: he found a Parmelia growing closely round pine needles and even sending suckers into the stomata. He covered the lichen with a black cloth and after seven weeks found that the gonidia had remained very green. That growth had not been checked was evidenced by an unusual development of soredia and of spermogonia. Dufrenoy describes the condition as a parasitism of the algae on the fungus which in turn was drawing nourishment from the pine needles.
Artari[245] has proved that lichen gonidia can obtain carbohydrates from the substratum as well as by photosynthesis. He cultivated the gonidia of Xanthoria parietina and Placodium murorum on media which contained organic substances as well as mineral salts, while depriving them of atmospheric carbon-dioxide and in some cases of light also. The gonidia not only grew well but, even in the dark, they remained normally green, a phenomenon coinciding with Etard and Bouilhac’s[246] experience in growing Nostoc in the dark: with suitable culture media the alga retained its colour. Nostoc also grows in the dark in the rhizome of Gunnera. Radais’[247] experiments with Chlorella vulgaris confirmed these results. On certain organic media growth and cell-division were as rapid in the dark as in the light, and chlorophyll was formed. The colour was at first yellowish and the full green arrived slowly, especially on sugar media, but in ten days it was uniform and normal.
When making further experiments with the alga, Stichococcus bacillaris, Artari[248] found that it also grew well on an organic medium and that grape sugar was the most valuable carbonaceous food supply. Chodat[249] also found that sugar or glucose was a desirable ingredient of culture media.
Treboux[250], in his work on organic acids, has also proved by experimental cultures with a large series of algae, including the gonidia of Peltigera, that these green plants in the absence of light and in pure cultures would grow and form carbohydrates if the culture medium contained a small percentage of organic acids. The acids he employed were combined with potassium and were thus rendered neutral or slightly alkaline; acetate of potash proved to be the most advantageous compound of any that was tested. Amino-acids and ammonia salts were added to provide the necessary nitrogen. Oxalic acid and other organic acids of varying composition are peculiarly abundant in lichen tissues and may be a source of carbon supply. Marshall Ward[251] has found calcium carbonate crystals in the lower air-containing tissues of Strigula complanata.
Treboux finally concluded from his researches that just as fungi can extract carbohydrates from many sources, so algae can secure their carbon supply in a variety of ways. He affirms that the metabolic activity of the alga in these cultural conditions is entirely normal, and the various cell-contents are formed as in the light. Whether, in this case, starch is formed directly from the acids or through a series of combinations has not been determined. Uhlir[252], with electric lighting, made successful cultures of Nostoc isolated from Collemaceae on silicic acid, proving thereby that these gonidia do not require a rich nutriment. A certain definite humidity was however essential, and bacteria were never eliminated as they are associated with the gelatinous membranes of Nostocaceae.
e. Nutrition within the Symbiotic Plant. Culture experiments bearing more directly on the nutrition of lichens as a whole were carried out by F. Tobler[253]. He proved that the gonidia had undoubtedly drawn on the calcium oxalate secreted by the hyphae for their supply of carbon. In a culture medium of poplar-bark gelatine he grew hyphae of Xanthoria parietina, and noted an abundant deposit of oxalate crystals on their cell-walls. A piece of the lichen thallus including both symbionts and grown on a similar medium formed no crystals, and microscopic examination showed that crystals were likewise absent from the hyphae of the thallus that had grown normally on the tree, the inference being that the gonidia used them up as quickly as they were deposited. It must be remembered in this connection, however, that Zopf[254] has stated that where lichen acids are freely formed as, for instance, in Xanthoria parietina, there is always less formation and deposit of calcium oxalate crystals, which may partly account for their absence in the normal thallus so rich in parietin.
Tobler next introduced lichen gonidia into a culture medium in which the isolated hyphal constituent of a thallus had been previously cultivated, and placed the culture in the dark. In these circumstances he found that the gonidia were able to thrive but formed no colour: they were obtaining their carbohydrates, he decided, not from photosynthesis, but from the excretory products such as calcium oxalate that had been deposited in the culture medium by the lichen hyphae. We may conclude with more or less certainty that the loss of carbohydrates, due to the partial deprivation of light and air suffered by the alga owing to its position in the lichen thallus, is more than compensated by a physiological symbiosis with the fungus[255]. It has indeed been proved that in the absence of free carbon-dioxide, algae may utilize the half-bound CO₂ of carbonates, chiefly those of calcium and magnesium, dissolved in water.
f. Affinities of Lichen Gonidia. Chodat[256] has, in recent years, made cultures of lichen gonidia with a view to discovering their relation to free-living algae and to testing at the same time their source of carbon supply. He has come to the conclusion that lichen gonidia are probably in no instance the normal Protococcus viridis: they differ from that alga in the possession of a pyrenoid and in their reproduction by zoospores when free.
Careful cultures were made of different Cladonia gonidia which were morphologically indistinguishable, and which varied in size from 10 to 16µ in diameter, though smaller ones were always present. He recognized them to be species of Cystococcus: they have a pyrenoid[257] in the centre and a disc-like chromatophore more or less starred at the edge. These gonidia grew well on agar, still better on agar-glucose, but best of all with an addition of peptone to the culture. There was invariably at first a slight difference in form and colour in the mass between the gonidia of one species and those of another, but as growth continued they became alike.
In testing for carbon supply, he found that gonidia grew slowly without sugar (glucose), and that, as sources of carbon, organic acids could not entirely replace glucose though, in the dark, the gonidia used them to some extent; the colony supplied with potassium nitrate, and grown in the dark, had reached a diameter of only 2 mm. in three months. With glucose, it measured 5 mm. in three weeks, while in three months it formed large culture patches.
A further experiment was made to test their absorption of peptones by artificial cultures carried out both in the light and the dark. The gonidia grew poorly in all combinations of organic nitrogen compounds. When combined with glucose, growth was at once more vigorous though only half as much in the dark as in the light, the difference in this respect being especially noticeable in the gonidia from Cladonia pyxidata. He concludes that as gonidia in these cultures are saprophytic, so in the lichen thallus also they are probably more or less saprophytic, obtaining not only their nitrogen in organic form but also, when possible, their carbon material as glucose or galactose from the hyphal symbiont which in turn is saprophytic on humus, etc.