Читать книгу The Spiritual Writings Of Annie Rix Militz - Annie Rix Militz - Страница 4
ОглавлениеIN taking up the study of pure Truth it is well for the student to understand what is the best attitude of mind to keep in order to receive the greatest good in the easiest way and in the shortest possible time.
Be as nearly like a child as you know how. For the time being put aside the old ways of thinking, former prejudices, and unbeliefs, and listen quietly to all that is presented to you. Do not try to reconcile your old ideas with these that are given you here, neither look for differences. Sit calmly and quietly as the judge sits upon his bench, and listen with impartiality and without fear.
Do not feel obliged to accept or reject what is given you, but trust the Truth in yourself to adjust all things, and to give to you and retain in you only that which is indeed true.
Do not argue about any statement given you, either for it or against it. You do not need to defend the Truth, for Truth is sufficient unto itself. And if a statement seems untrue leave it alone. If it is not of God it cannot live.
It is well to talk these teachings over with one who is harmonious, but if either feels any disturbance or in-harmony then let silence reign, for then indeed is silence golden.
These lessons are healing, and as you eat and digest and assimilate these truths you will find false physical conditions dropping away, and false and disturbing thoughts passing utterly from your mind forever.
While you are being healed do not be surprised or discouraged if there are days when you seem worse, either in body or mind, than usual. At such times read those parts of the lessons that help you many times over, and you will be lifted right up into peace and health speedily.
Repetition and reiteration are purposely adhered to, for this course is a study, not a diversion.
Just before studying each lesson, sit for a few moments in silence and declare for yourself:
"Truth is my God. I love the Truth. Therefore I trust the Truth to guide me into all Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth,"