Читать книгу The Sultan's Harem Bride - Annie West - Страница 2

‘Don’t apologise.’ Asim breathed deep, filling the void in his lungs. ‘I don’t like it when you’re…meek.’


The words surprised him as much as her. He felt the shock of the admission reverberate through him even as he saw it ripple across her face.

He didn’t approve of the way she argued with him, refusing to be silenced after he’d made a decision. It happened daily when she tried to wheedle access to records or palace staff or ancient pavilions that had been locked up as unsafe generations ago. Yet seeing her hesitant and downcast was like watching a bright light dim.

For long seconds their eyes locked. Long enough for him to notice that in the syrupy lateafternoon light her eyes flashed with shards of gold.

Slowly her mouth eased into a crooked smile.

‘In that case, Asim…’ Jacqui paused over his name as if savouring it ‘…I promise not to be meek with you again.’

She scooped up her towel and wrapped it around herself, hurrying towards her room. But her chin was up and her shoulders back and, despite his body’s howl of protest at her departure, Asim found himself smiling.

The Sultan's Harem Bride

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