Читать книгу The Chatsfield Collection Books 1-8 - Люси Монро, Annie West, Люси Монро - Страница 32
‘I do not wish to have anything further to do with you,’ she said in clearly enunciated tones. ‘Please leave.’
Оглавление‘Listen, sweetheart,’ Lucca said, with a cavalier disregard for protocol. ‘Way I see it, we’re stuck with each other, at least for the sake of appearances. Your big sister seems pretty keen on us working together and I get the feeling that what she says around here goes. Quite frankly, I’d rather be working on my tan on one of your beaches, preferably with a couple of blonde beach bunnies peeling grapes for me. So kick me out if you dare. I’m cool with it, but you can say goodbye to using The Chatsfield.’
She turned and gave him a look one would do when a cockroach appears on the table in the middle of a formal dining setting. ‘You are the most disreputable man I have ever met.’
‘Looks like you need to get out more.’ He gave her his fallen angel’s smile. ‘I can assure you there’s plenty more out there like me.’
Her eyes slitted like a cat facing a feral dog, her hands balling into fists at her sides. ‘Get out before I have you thrown out by my security team.’
He gave an indolent shrug as he ambled over to the door. ‘I’ll be staying in the penthouse at The Chatsfield if you want me.’ He turned and blew her a kiss across his open palm. ‘Ciao.’