Читать книгу Never Trust a Rake - Энни Берроуз, ANNIE BURROWS - Страница 3

‘Last chance, Miss Gibson. Stop me now, or I will kiss you. And I promise you, if I do that, you will never be the same again.’


She wasn’t the same already. She had never, ever thought about what a man would look like naked, in bed. Or felt her lips tingle with expectancy. Nor had her heart raced like this while she was sitting completely still. And all he’d done so far was talk about kissing.

Heavens, no wonder women were queuing up for the privilege of taking him as a lover.

‘Do you wish to continue?’

‘Wh … what?’

‘With your lesson? Do you wish me to take it to its conclusion?’

Lesson. She blinked.

‘You should let your lips relax,’ he instructed her. ‘Perhaps part them a little for me. Moisten them, if you wish. By all means close your eyes.’

He was lowering his head towards her. Any second now …

‘I find that absence of sight heightens the other senses.’

Immediately she screwed her eyes tightly shut. Though it wasn’t about heightening her senses, since hers were pretty over-stimulated already, so much as hiding. She did not want him looking into her eyes when they kissed in case he saw …

What? That she could never have imagined feeling like this?

Never Trust a Rake

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