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Dear Reader,

Welcome to One Night, Twin Consequences. This is the first time I’ve written a duet with someone—and let me tell you Susanne Hampton is fabulous to work with! Kind, thoughtful and, lucky for me, riding exactly the same train of thought. She was the ying to my yang, and I hope you enjoy the intertwined lives and love stories these two sisters share.

I absolutely fell in love with writing about Harriet and Matteo. Matteo because he’s totally gorgeous and I’m a sucker for an accent. Harriet because she has about as much grace and elegance as I do—read: very little!

So strap on your seatbelts—and I hope you enjoy the ride!

Annie O xo

PS Don’t be shy. Be sure to get in touch! You can reach me at my website, annieoneilbooks.com, or on Twitter @AnnieONeilBooks.

One Night, Twin Consequences

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