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18 eggs

2 tbsp milk

1 tsp parsley

½ tsp dill weed

¼ tsp pepper

1 can undiluted mushroom soup

3 tbsp sherry

4 tbsp butter

¼ pound sliced mushrooms

¼ cup chopped onion

6 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled

1½ cup each, shredded and mixed together:

jack cheese and sharp cheddar


Grease a 9" x 11" casserole dish.

Beat eggs with milk, parsley, dill weed and pepper, and set aside. In a saucepan, stir soup and sherry until hot and smooth. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Melt the butter in a pan. Add mushrooms and onion and sauté 5 minutes. Add egg mixture and crumbled bacon to the pan and cook until the eggs are softly set. Remove from heat. Spoon half the egg mixture into the casserole. Cover with half the soup mixture, then half the cheese. Repeat. Sprinkle the top layer with paprika. May be refrigerated overnight.

Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Bake uncovered until hot and bubbly, about 30–35 minutes if unrefrigerated or for an hour if refrigerated.

Let stand 10 minutes, then cut into squares.

A Rancher's Christmas

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