Читать книгу Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls - Anonymous - Страница 3



The N. Y. Tribune Building at Night.13
A Contributor to the Waste-Paper Basket.16
Office of the Editor-In-Chief.17
Regular Contributors19
How Some of the News is Gathered22
Type-Setter’s Case In Pi.22
Type-Setters’ Room.23
Taking “Proofs.”24
In the Stereotypers’ Room.25
Finishing the Plate.27
Printing Presses of the Past and Present30
A News-Dealer.33
A Bad Morning for the News-Boys.36
“Any Answers come for Me?”37
The First Umbrella.38
What Jonas saw adown the Future.39
Lord of the Twenty-Four Umbrellas.42
A “Duck’s Back” Umbrella.44
An Umbrella Handle Au Naturel.46
Cutting the Covers.47
Finishing the Handle.50
Sewing “Pudding-Bag” Seams.51
Completing the Umbrella53
Master Paul did not feel Happy.55
My Lady’s Toilet.58
The New Circle Comb61
Ancient or Modern—Which?62
“In Some Remote Corner Of Spain.”65
A Retort.72
Kitty in the Gas-Works.77
The Metre.77
The Gasometre.83
Inflating the “Buffalo.”87
A Plucky Dog.91
Our Balloon Camp.94
The Professor’s Dilemma.99
The Wreck of the “Buffalo.”101
The Incubator.105
How the Chicken is Packed.117
How the Shell is Cracked.118
The Artificial Mother.120
The Chickadee.126
The Black Snow-Bird.129
The Snow Bunting.133
The Brown Creeper.134
The Downy Woodpecker.138
Fourth Order Light-House.141
A Modern Light-House144
Light-House on Mt. Desert.147
Light-House at “The Thimble Shoal”151
First Class Light-Ship.154
The Blind Broom-Maker of Barnstable.159
A Gay Cavalcade.160
The Comedy of Brooms.163
Up in the Attic.164
Plant the Broom!166
The Tragedy of Brooms.169
In Obedience to the Signals.177
The Potter’s Wheel.184
The Kiln and Saggers.186
Mould for a cup.188
Handle Mould.188
Making a Sugar-Bowl.189
Rest for flat Dishes.191
The Target.201
Dolly’s Shoes204
A Maine Wood-Chopper.211
A River-Driver.214
“The Liberated Logs came sailing along.”216
Through the Sluice.218



Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls

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