Читать книгу The Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer, for the Rugeley Poisonings, which lasted Twelve Days - Anonymous - Страница 7


The case then stands thus:—Here is a man overwhelmed with pecuniary difficulties, obliged to resort to the desperate expedient of forging acceptances to raise money, hoping to meet them by the proceeds of the insurances he had effected upon a life. Disappointed in that expectation by the board; told by the gentleman through whom the bills had been discounted, “You must trifle with me no longer—if you cannot find money, writs will be served on you;” Cook’s name forged to an endorsement for £375; ruin staring him in the face—you, gentlemen, must say whether he had not sufficient inducement to commit the crime. He seems to have had a further object. No sooner is the breath out of the dead man’s body than he says to Jones, “I had a claim of £3,000 or £4,000 against him on account of bills.” Besides, he believed that Cook had more property than it turns out he really had. The valuable mare, Pole Star, belonged to him when the assignment had been paid off, and Palmer would have been glad to obtain possession of her. The fact, too, that Cook was mixed up in the insurance of Bates may lead one to surmise that he was in possession of secrets relating to the desperate expedients to which this man has resorted to obtain money. I will leave you to say whether this combination of motives may not have led to the crime with which he is charged. This you will only have to consider, supposing the case to be balanced between probabilities; but if you believe the evidence that will be given as to what took place on the Monday and the Tuesday—if you believe the paroxysms of the Monday, the mortal agony of the Tuesday—I shall show that things were administered, on both those days, by the hand of Palmer, by a degree of evidence almost amounting to certainty.

The body was submitted to a careful analysis, and I am bound to say that no trace of strychnine was found. But I am told that, although the presence of strychnine may be detected by certain tests, and although indications of its presence lead irresistibly to the conclusion that it has been administered, the converse of that proposition does not hold. Sometimes it is found, at other times it is not. It depends upon circumstances. A most minute dose will destroy life, from half to three-quarters of a grain will lay the strongest man prostrate. But in order to produce that fatal effect it must be absorbed into the system, and the absorption takes place in a greater or less period according to the manner in which the poison is presented to the surfaces with which it comes in contact. If it is in a fluid form it is rapidly taken up and soon produces the effect; if not, it requires to be absorbed, and the effects are a longer time in showing themselves. But in either case there is a difficulty in discovering its presence. If it acts only on the nervous system through the circulation, an almost infinitesimal dose will be present. And, as it is a vegetable poison, the tests which alone can be employed are infinitely more delicate and difficult than those which are applied to other poisons. It is unlike a mineral poison, which can soon be detected and reproduced. If the dose has been a large one death ensues before the whole has been absorbed, and a portion is left in the intestines; but if a minimum dose has been administered a different consequence follows, and the whole is absorbed. Practical experience bears out the theory that I am enunciating. Experiments have been tried which show that where the same amount of poison has been administered to animals of the same species death will ensue in the same number of minutes, accompanied by precisely the same kinds of symptoms; while in the analysis afterwards made, the presence of poison will be detected in one case and not in another. It has been repeated over and over again that the scientific men employed in this case had come to the conclusion that the presence of strychnine cannot be detected by any tests known to science. They have been grievously misunderstood. They never made any such assertion. What they have asserted is this—the detection of its presence, where its administration is a matter of certainty, is a matter of the greatest uncertainty. It would, indeed, be a fatal thing to sanction the notion that strychnine, administered for the purpose of taking away life, cannot afterwards be detected! Lamentable enough is the uncertainty of detection! Happily, Providence, which has placed this fatal agent at the disposition of man, has marked its effects with characteristic symptoms distinguishable from those of all other agents by the eye of science.

It will be for you to say whether the testimony that will be laid before you with regard to those symptoms does not lead your mind to the conclusion that the deceased came to his death by poison administered to him by the prisoner. There is a circumstance which throws great light upon this part of the case. Some days before his death the man was constantly vomiting. The analysis made of his body failed to produce evidence of the presence of strychnine, but did not fail to produce evidence of the presence of antimony. Now, antimony was not administered by the medical men, and unless taken in a considerable quantity it produces no effect and is perfectly soluble. It is an irritant, which produces exactly the symptoms which were produced in this case. The man was sick for a week, and antimony was found in his body afterwards. For what purpose can it have been administered? It may be that the original intention was to destroy him by means of antimony—it may be that the only object was to bring about an appearance of disease so as to account for death. One is lost in speculation. But the question is whether you have any doubt that strychnine was administered on the Monday, and still more on the Tuesday when death ensued? And if you are satisfied with the evidence that will be adduced on that point, you must then determine whether it was not administered by the prisoner’s hand. I shall produce testimony before you in proof of the statements I have made, which I am afraid must occupy some considerable portion of your time; but in such an inquiry time cannot be wasted, and I am sure you will give it your most patient attention. I have the satisfaction of knowing that the prisoner will be defended by one of the most eloquent and able men who ever adorned the bar of this country or any other forum, and that everything will be done for him that can be done. If in the end all should fail in satisfying you of his guilt, in God’s name let not the innocent suffer! If, on the other hand, the facts that will be presented to you should lead you to the conclusion that he is guilty, the best interests of society demand his conviction.

The opening address of the Attorney-General occupied upwards of four hours in its delivery. At its conclusion (at a quarter past 2 o’clock) the jury retired for a short time for refreshment, and upon their return the following witnesses were called in support of the prosecution:—

Ismael Fisher, examined by Mr. E. James: I am a wine merchant at 4 Victoria-street, City. I am in the habit of attending races and betting. I knew John Parsons Cook. I had known him for about two years before his death. I was at Shrewsbury races in November, 1855. I remember the Shrewsbury Handicap. It was won by the mare called Polestar, the property of Cook. It took place on Tuesday, November the 13th. I saw Cook upon the course. He looked as well as he had looked at any time since I had known him. I was stopping at the Raven Hotel at Shrewsbury. I know Palmer (the prisoner) very well. I have known him rather more than two years. Cook and Palmer were stopping at the same hotel, and occupied a room separated from mine only by a wooden partition. It was a sitting room, and they occupied it jointly. On the Wednesday night, between 11 and 12 o’clock, I went into the sitting-room. I found there Cook, Palmer, and Mr. Myatt, a saddler at Rugeley, a friend of Palmer’s. They had grog before them. I was asked to sit down by Cook, and I sat down. Cook asked Palmer to have some more brandy-and-water. Palmer said, “I will not have any more till you have drunk yours.” Cook said, “Then I will drink mine.” He took up his glass and drank the grog off immediately. He said within a minute afterwards, “There is something in it; it burns my throat dreadfully.” Palmer then got up, took the glass, sipped up what was left in it, and said, “There is nothing in it.” There was not more than a teaspoonful in the glass when he emptied it. In the mean time Mr. Read had come in. Palmer handed the glass to Read and to me, and asked if we thought there was anything in it. We both said the glass was so empty that we could not recognise anything. I said I thought there was rather a strong scent upon it, but I could not say it arose from anything but brandy.

Lord Campbell: Did you put your lips to it?

Witness: I did not. It was completely drained. Within ten minutes I retired. Cook had left the room, and then came back and called me from it. We went to my own sitting room. He there told me he was very ill and very sick, and asked me to take his money.

Mr. E. James: Did he state what he was suffering from?

Mr. Serjeant Shee objected to this question.

Lord Campbell: Surely his statement of the effect produced on him by what he had just swallowed is admissible.

Witness: He said he was very sick, and he thought “that d—— Palmer” had dosed him. He handed me over some money, between £700 and £800, in bank notes, to take care of. He did not sleep in the same room with Palmer. He was seized with vomiting after he had given me the money, and left the room. He afterwards came back to my room, and again complained of what he had been suffering. He asked me to go to his bedroom. I went with him. Mr. Jones, a law-stationer, went with me. He then vomited again violently, and was so ill that I sent for a doctor—Mr. Gibson, who came about half-past twelve or a quarter to one. I remained with Cook till two o’clock. I sent for Mr. Gibson a second time, and he sent some medicine, which Cook took. After seeing the doctor and taking the medicine he became more composed. Mr. Jones and I gave him the medicine. Next morning, about ten o’clock, I saw Palmer. I found him in my sitting-room when I came down stairs; he said, “Cook has been stating that I gave him something in his brandy. I never play such tricks with people. But I can tell you what he was. He was d——d drunk.” I should say Cook was certainly not drunk.

Lord Campbell: Was he affected by liquor?

Witness: Not at all approaching drunkenness, my lord. Cook came into my bedroom before I was up the same morning. He was much better, but still looked ill. I gave him back his money. About three o’clock on that day (Thursday) I saw Cook on the race-course. He looked very ill. I had always settled Cook’s bets for him when he did not settle them himself. I saw his betting-book in his hand. It was dark in colour, and about half the size of this. (The witness here produced a small black pocketbook). On the 17th of November (Saturday), by Cook’s request, I paid Pratt £200. His account, in the ordinary course, would have been settled at Tattersall’s on Monday, the 19th. I advanced the £200 to pay Pratt. I knew that Cook had won at Shrewsbury, and I should have been entitled to deduct that £200 from his winnings, if I had settled his account at Tattersall’s. I did not settle that account, and I have not been paid my advance.

Cross-examined by Mr. Serjeant Shee.—I had known Cook about two years, and Palmer longer. They were a good deal connected in racing transactions.

Do you know that they were partners?—I don’t remember settling any transactions in which they were jointly interested, and I don’t know that they owned horses jointly. They appeared very intimate and were much together, generally staying at the same hotels. I was not at the Worcester meeting. I don’t know whether Palmer won at Shrewsbury as well as Cook. The races began on the Tuesday about 2 o’clock. Polestar ran about an hour afterwards, but I cannot tell the exact time. I saw Cook on the course after the race, and he appeared much elated. Polestar won easily. In the evening, when I went into the sitting-room, there was a candle on the table. A glass was ordered for me when I sat down. I don’t remember drinking anything, but I cannot swear that I did not. I am a good judge of brandy by the smell. I said there was nothing particular in the smell, but the glass was so completely drained, that there was very little to smell. I counted the money Cook gave me. I had been at the Unicorn that evening quite an hour before. I dined at the Raven about 6 o’clock. I did not see Cook after the race on the Wednesday, till I saw him at the Unicorn, between 9 and 10 o’clock in the evening. I merely looked into the room. I saw Sandars, the trainer, Cook, Palmer, and a lady. I can’t say whether they were drinking.

Did it happen that a good many people were ill on that Wednesday at Shrewsbury—I mean people connected with the races? No. I don’t know that there were. On the Wednesday it was damp underfoot, but I forget whether it rained. I saw Cook several times on the course. On the Thursday the weather was cold and damp. I don’t know that Cook and Palmer breakfasted together on the Thursday morning. On the 17th of November I received a letter from Cook. [The letter was read. It was dated, “Rugeley, Nov. the 16th,” and in it Cook said it was of very great importance to Palmer and to himself that £500 should be paid to Pratt on the next day, that £300 should be sent, and he would be greatly obliged if Fisher would pay the other £200 immediately on receipt of the letter, promising to give it him back on the following Monday at Tattersall’s. He added that he was much better.]

Re-examined by the Attorney-General: I never intended to say that Cook and Palmer were partners.

Did you notice any change of feeling on the part of Cook towards Palmer?—He never had any great respect for Palmer, but I did notice a change in him. It was a handicap race that Polestar won. Palmer had a horse called Chicken, which ran on the Thursday and lost. He had betted upon the race. Cook was not more elated at winning than people usually are. I am not sure that I drank any brandy-and-water while I was staying at the Raven.

Thomas Jones, examined by Mr. Welsby, said: I am a law stationer in Carey-street, London. I was at Shrewsbury races last November, and I lodged at the Raven. I arrived there on a Monday night. I supped with Cook, Herring, Fisher and Gravatt. Cook appeared well. I saw him on the Tuesday and Wednesday, and he then also seemed quite well. Fisher and I went to the Raven between eleven and twelve o’clock on Wednesday night. Read was there, and he invited Cook into my room. Palmer was also there. After the party broke up, Fisher came and told me something about Cook, in consequence of which I went with him to Cook’s bedroom. He complained of something burning at his throat and of vomiting. Some medicine was brought,—pills and a draught. Cook refused to take the pills. I then went to the doctor’s and got some liquid medicine, and gave him a small quantity in a wineglass. He was in bed. About a quarter of an hour afterwards he took the pills also, and I left him. Between six and seven o’clock next morning I saw him again. He said he felt easier and better. He looked pale.

This witness was not cross-examined.

George Read, examined by Mr. Bodkin: I live in Victoria-street, near Farringdon-market. I keep a house frequented by sporting characters. I am acquainted with Palmer. I saw him at Shrewsbury races on Tuesday, as well as Cook. He appeared to be in his usual health. I saw him also the next day, and he was apparently in the same health. I stayed at the Raven. On the Wednesday night I went between eleven and twelve into the room in which were Palmer and Cook. There was more than one gentleman in the room. I had some brandy-and-water there. I saw that Cook was in pain almost immediately after I entered. He said to us there is something in the brandy-and-water. Palmer handed me the glass after it had been emptied. I said, “What is the use of examining a glass which is empty?” I believe Cook left the room. I did not see him again. I saw him on the following morning at eleven o’clock. He was in his sitting-room. He said in my hearing that he was very ill.

Cross-examined: On Tuesday he was as well as usual. He never looked a strong man, but one having delicate health. He was not in the habit of complaining of ill-health.

By the Court: I had some of the brandy-and-water, and it did not make me ill.

Re-examined by the Attorney-General: My brandy was taken from another decanter, which was sent for when I went in. Cook appeared to be a delicate man, but I never knew anything to be the matter with him. He frequented races everywhere. I never knew him prevented by illness from going to races.

William Scaife Gibson: I am assistant to Mr. Heathcote, surgeon, of Shrewsbury. On the 14th of November last I was sent for, and went to the Railway Hotel, Shrewsbury, between twelve and one o’clock at night. I saw Mr Cook there. He was in his bedroom, but not in bed. He complained of pain in his stomach, and heat in his throat. He also said he thought he had been poisoned. I felt his pulse and looked at his tongue, which was perfectly clean. He appeared much distended about the abdomen. I recommended an emetic. He said that he could make himself sick with warm water. I sent the waitress for some. She brought about a pint. I recommended him to use a feather. He said he could do it with the handle of a toothbrush. He drank all the warm water. Having used the toothbrush he was sick. I examined the vomit; it was perfectly clear. I then told him I would send him some medicine. I sent him two pills and a draught. The pills were a compound rhubarb pill and a three-grain calomel pill. They were ordered to be taken immediately, and the draught, which was sennica—a compound of senna, magnesia, and aromatic spirit—was to be taken twenty minutes afterwards. It was what is called a black draught. Half an hour afterwards I gave to Jones, for Cook, an anodyne draught. I did not see Cook afterwards.

Cross-examined by Mr. Serjeant Shee: Did you form any opinion as to what was the matter with Cook?—I treated it as a case of poisoning.

Did you observe anything in the vomit which led you to believe he had been poisoned?—Nothing at all.

Did he appear to have been drinking?—He appeared to be a little excited, but he was quite sensible what he was doing and saying.

By “excited” do you mean to say he was tipsy?—No; but his brain had been stimulated with brandy-and-water. The idea of having taken poison would have some effect upon it.

In your judgment, was what you had prescribed a good thing, supposing Cook had taken poison?—According to the symptoms, I should say it was.

Would it not have been better to get the poison up at once, if possible?—He threw up the warm water.

Lord Campbell: Did that cleanse the stomach?—Yes.

Cross-examination continued: Yet you thought calomel necessary?—Yes; on account of the distended state of the bowels.

Did you see anything like bile in the basin?—There was some on the edge of the basin, but it must have been thrown up before he took the warm water.

Re-examined by the Attorney-General: The piece of bile was about the size of a pea? The water thrown up was perfectly clean. Cook’s tongue was quite clean.

Is that usual in the case of a bilious attack?—If the stomach had been wrong any length of time the tongue would have been discoloured.

Elizabeth Mills examined by Mr. James: In November last I was chambermaid at the Talbot Arms, Rugeley. I had been so about two years. I knew the prisoner Palmer, who was in the habit of coming to the Talbot Arms. I also knew Cook, the deceased. On Thursday, the 15th of November, he came to the Talbot Arms. He came between nine and ten o’clock at night. The prisoner was with him. They came in a fly. Cook went to bed at half-past ten o’clock. When Cook arrived he said he had been poorly, and was poorly then. I don’t remember seeing Palmer after he got out of the fly. About twelve o’clock on the following day I took Cook some hot water, and he went out about one o’clock. He then appeared poorly. He said he felt no worse, but was not well. He returned about ten o’clock in the evening. In about half an hour he went to bed. I asked him if he felt any worse than when he went out in the morning. He said he did not. He said that he had been dining with Palmer. He was perfectly sober. He asked me for an extra piece of candle to read by. I saw no more of him that night. On Saturday morning, about eight o’clock, I saw Palmer at the Talbot Arms. I do not know whether Cook had sent for him. Palmer ordered from me a cup of coffee for Cook. I gave it to Cook in the bedroom. I believe Palmer was then in the room. I left the coffee in Cook’s hands, but did not see him drink it. Afterwards I went upstairs, and found the coffee in the chamber utensil. That might be an hour, or it might be a couple of hours after I had taken up the coffee. The utensil was on the table by the side of the bed. I do not remember that I spoke to Palmer, nor he to me, about this. I did not see any toast and water in the bed-room; but a jug, not belonging to the inn, was about ten o’clock in the evening sent down for some fresh toast-and-water. The waitress, Lavinia Barnes, brought it down. I am sure the jug, which was brought down from Cook’s room, did not belong to the Talbot Arms. I saw Palmer go in and out of Cook’s room, perhaps, four or five times on that Saturday. I heard Palmer tell Cook that he would send him over some broth. I saw some broth in the kitchen, which some person had brought there ready made. After Barnes had taken some broth up, ten minutes or a quarter of an hour after the broth came over, I met Palmer going upstairs towards Cook’s room. He asked if Mr. Cook had had his broth? I told him I was not aware that any had come for him. While I was speaking, Lavinia Barnes came out of the commercial-room, and said she had taken the broth up to Cook when it came, but that he refused to take it, saying it would not stay on his stomach. Palmer said that I must go and fetch the broth; he (Cook) must have it. I fetched the broth and took it into Cook’s room. Palmer was there. I cannot say whether it was to him or Cook that I gave the broth, but I left it there. I am sure that this was some of the broth which had been sent in. Some time afterwards (about an hour or two), I went up to Cook’s room again, and found that the broth had been vomited. About six o’clock in the evening, some barley-water was made for Cook. I took it up to him. I cannot say whether Palmer was with him. I cannot say whether or not that barley-water stayed upon Cook’s stomach. At eight o’clock in the evening some arrowroot was made in the kitchen. I took it up to Cook. I cannot say whether Palmer was there, nor can I remember whether the arrowroot remained on Cook’s stomach.

On Saturday, about three o’clock in the afternoon, I saw Mr. Bamford, the surgeon. On Sunday morning I went to Mr. Cook’s room, about seven or eight o’clock. Mr. Smith, called “Jerry Smith,” slept in Mr. Cook’s room during Saturday night. He is a friend of the prisoner Palmer. I asked Cook if he was any worse? He said he felt pretty comfortable, and had slept well since twelve o’clock. On Sunday more broth, a large breakfast-cup full, was brought over for Cook. That was between twelve and one o’clock. I believe Charles Horley brought it. I took some of that broth up to Cook’s room in the same cup in which it was brought. It was hot. I tasted it. I drank about two tablespoonfuls. In about half-an-hour or an hour I was sick. I vomited violently during the whole afternoon till about 5 o’clock. I was obliged to go to bed. I vomited a great many times. During the morning I had felt perfectly well, and had not taken anything that could disagree with me. It was before dinner that I took the broth. I went down to work again about a quarter before 6 o’clock. On the Sunday evening I saw Mr. Cook; he did not appear to be any worse. He seemed to be in good spirits. The illness seemed to be confined to vomitings after taking food. On Sunday night I saw Cook last about 10 o’clock. On Monday morning I saw him between 7 and 8 o’clock, when I took up to him a cup of coffee. I did not remain to see him drink it. He did not vomit it. Palmer was coming down stairs, as though from Cook’s room, about 7 o’clock. To my knowledge Palmer was not there, on Monday. Cook got up about 1 o’clock, and appeared to be a great deal better. He shaved, washed, and dressed himself. He said he felt better, only exceedingly weak. He dressed as if he was going out. Ashmall the jockey, and his brother, and Saunders the trainer, came to see him. As soon as he got up I gave him some arrowroot, which remained on his stomach. He sat up until about 4 o’clock, when he returned to bed. Between 9 and 10 o’clock at night I saw Palmer. He was sitting down in Cook’s room. I saw Cook about half-past 10 o’clock, and not again until about a quarter before 12 o’clock. On the Monday night, about 8 o’clock, a pill-box wrapped in white paper was brought from Mr. Bamford’s. It was given to me by Miss Bond, the housekeeper, to take up to Cook’s room. I took it up and placed the box on the dressing-table. That was before Palmer came. When I saw Palmer he was sitting by the fire in Cook’s room. I went to bed between 10 and 11 o’clock. About eight or ten minutes before 12 o’clock the waitress, Lavinia Barnes, called me up. While I was dressing I twice heard screams from Cook’s room. My room is above, but not immediately over Cook’s. I went down to Cook’s room. As soon as I entered the room I saw him sitting up in bed. He desired me to fetch Palmer directly. I told him Palmer was sent for, and walked to his bedside. I found the pillow upon the floor. There was one mould candle burning in the room. I picked up the pillow, and asked Cook if he would lay his head down. He was sitting up, beating the bedclothes with both his hands and arms, which were stretched out. When I asked him to lay his head down, he said, “I can’t lie down; I shall be suffocated if I lie down. Oh, fetch Mr. Palmer!” The last words he said very loud. I did not observe his legs, but there was a sort of jumping or jerking about his head and neck, and his body. Sometimes he would throw back his head upon the pillow, and then raise it up again. He had much difficulty in breathing. The balls of his eyes projected very much. He screamed again three or four times while I was in the room. He was moving and knocking about all the time. Twice he called aloud, “Murder!” He asked me to rub one hand. I found it stiff. It was the left hand.

By the Court.—It was stretched out. It did not move. The hand was about half shut. All the upper part seemed to be stiff.

Examination resumed.—I did not rub it long. As soon as he thought I had rubbed it sufficiently he thanked me, and I left off. Palmer was there while I was rubbing the hand. While I was rubbing it the arm and also the body seemed to twitch. Cook was perfectly conscious. When Palmer came in he recognized him. He was throwing himself about the bed, and said to Palmer, “Oh, doctor, I shall die.” Palmer replied, “Oh, my lad, you won’t!” Palmer just looked at Cook, and then left the room, asking me to stay by the bedside. In about two or three minutes he returned. He brought with him some pills. He gave Cook a draught in a wineglass, but I cannot say whether he brought that with him. He first gave the pills, and then the draught. Cook said the pills stuck in his throat, and he could not swallow them. Palmer desired me to give him a teaspoonful of toast-and-water, and I did so. His body was still jerking and jumping. When I put the spoon to his mouth he snapped at it and got it fast between his teeth, and seemed to bite it very hard. In snapping at the spoon he threw forward his head and neck. He swallowed the toast-and-water, and with it the pills. Palmer then handed him a draught in a wineglass, which was about three parts full. It was a dark, thick, heavy-looking liquid. Cook drank this. He snapped at the glass as he had done at the spoon. He seemed as though he could not exactly control himself. He swallowed the draught, but vomited it immediately into the chamber utensil. I supported his forehead. The vomit smelt like opium. Palmer said he hoped either that the pills had stayed on his stomach or had not returned. He searched for the pills in the vomit with a quill. He said, “I can’t find the pills,” and he then desired me to take the utensil away, and pour the contents out carefully to see if I could find the pills. I did so, and brought back the utensil, and told him I could not see the pills at all. Cook afterwards seemed to be more easy. That was about half an hour or more after I had first gone into the room. During the whole of that time he appeared to be quite conscious. When Cook was lying more quiet he desired Palmer to come and feel how his heart beat, or something of that sort. Palmer went to the bedside, and pressed his hand, I cannot say whether to the heart or to the side of the face, but he said it was all right. I left Cook about 3 o’clock in the morning. He was not asleep, but appeared to be dozing. Palmer was sitting in the easy chair, and I believe he was asleep. I went into the next room and laid down. About 6 o’clock I saw Cook again. I asked if Palmer had gone, and Cook said he left at a quarter before 5 o’clock. I asked if he felt any worse, and he said, no, he had been no worse since I left him. I said, “You were asleep when I left.” He replied, “No, I heard you go.” He asked me if I had ever seen any one suffer such agony as he did last night? I said, no, I never had. He said he should think I should not like to see any one like it again. I said, “What do you think was the cause of all that agony?” He said, “The pills which Palmer gave me at half-past 10.” I do not think anything more was said. I asked him if he would take anything, and he said, “No.”

I do not remember seeing Palmer on that day (Tuesday) until he was sent for. On that morning Cook seemed quite composed and quiet, but his eyes looked wild. There was no motion about the body. About twelve o’clock at noon he rang his bell, and desired me to send the “boots” over to Palmer to ask if he might have a cup of coffee. Boots returned and said he might, and Palmer would be over immediately. I took the coffee up to Cook a little after twelve o’clock. Palmer was then in Cook’s room. I gave the coffee to Palmer. He tasted it to see whether it was too strong, and I left the room. Mr. Jones arrived by the three o’clock train from Lutterworth. I saw him in Cook’s room. About four o’clock I took Cook another cup of coffee. I cannot say whether Palmer was there. Afterwards I saw Palmer. He opened the bed-room door and gave me the chamber utensil, saying that Cook had vomited the coffee. There was coffee in the utensil. I saw Cook several times before I went to bed. He appeared to be in very good spirits, and talked about getting up next morning. He said he would have the barber sent for to shave him. I believe I gave him some arrowroot. I did not see him later than half-past ten. Palmer was with him when I last saw him. I gave Palmer some toast-and-water for Cook at the door. Palmer then said to Cook, “Can this good girl do anything more for you to-night?” Cook said, “No; I shall want nothing more till morning.” He spoke in a composed and cheerful manner. I remained in the kitchen all night, to see how Cook went on, and did not go to sleep. About ten minutes before twelve o’clock the bell of Cook’s room was rung violently. Jones was sleeping in a second bed in the same room. On hearing the bell I went up to Cook’s room. Cook was sitting up. I think Jones was supporting him, with his arms round his shoulders. Cook said, “Oh, Mary, fetch Mr. Palmer directly.” I went to Palmer’s, and rang the surgery bell. As soon as I had rung I stepped off the steps to look at Palmer’s bed-room window, where I expected him to appear, and he was there. He did not lift up the sash, but opened a small casement and spoke to me. I could not see whether he was dressed, but I heard and knew his voice. I asked him to come over to Mr. Cook directly, as he was much the same as he had been the night before. I don’t remember what he replied. I went back to the hotel, and in two or three minutes Palmer came. I was then in the bed-room. Jones was there supporting Cook. Palmer said he had never dressed so quickly in his life.

The question which elicited this answer was, “Did Palmer make any remark about his dress?” After the answer had been given,

Mr. Serjeant Shee objected to the form in which the question had been put.

Lord Campbell: It seems to me that the examination is conducted with perfect fairness. No leading question, nor any one which could be considered doubtful, has been put to the witness.

Examination continued: I left the room, but remained on the landing. After I had been waiting there a short time (about a minute or two) Palmer came out. I said, “He is much the same as last night.” Palmer said, “Oh, he is not so ill by a fiftieth part.” He then went down stairs as though going to his own house. He was absent but a very short time, and then returned to Cook’s room. I also went in. I believe Cook said, “Turn me over on my right side.” I was then outside, but the door was open. I do not think that I was in the room at the time he died. I went in just before, but came out again. Jones was there at the time, and had his right arm under Cook’s head. Palmer was then feeling Cook’s pulse, and said to Jones, “His pulse is gone.” Jones pressed the side of his face to Cook’s heart, lifted up his hands, but did not speak. Palmer asked me to fetch Mr. Bamford, and I went for him. Cook’s death occurred about three-quarters of an hour after I had been called up. Mr. Bamford came over. I did not return to Cook’s room. When Mr. Bamford came down stairs he said, “He is dead: he was dead when I arrived.” After Mr. Bamford had gone I went up to the landing, and sat upon the stairs. I had sat there about ten minutes when Jones came out of the room, and said, “Mr. Palmer wants you,” or “Will you go into the room?” I went into the room where Cook was lying dead. Palmer was there. I said to him, “It is not possible that Mr. Cook is dead?” He said, “Oh yes, he is dead.” He asked me who I thought would come and lay him out. I mentioned two women whom I thought Palmer knew. He said, “Those are just the women.” I said, “Shall I fetch them?” and he said, “Yes.” I had seen a betting-book in Cook’s room. It was a dark book, with gold bands round the edges. It was not a very large book, rather more long than square, and had a clasp at one end. I saw Cook have this book when he stopped at Talbot Arms, as he went to the Liverpool races, some months before. There was a case at the one side containing a pencil. I saw the book in Cook’s room on Monday night. I took it off the dressing-table and gave it to him in bed. He asked me to give him the book, pen, and ink, and some paper. I gave him all. That was between seven and eight o’clock. He took a postage stamp from a pocket at one end of the book. I replaced the book on the frame of the looking-glass on the dressing-table. Palmer was in the room after that time. To my knowledge I never saw the book afterwards. I afterwards searched the room for it, but could not find it. When I went into the room after Cook’s death, the clothes he had worn were lying on a chair. I saw Palmer searching the pockets of the coat. That was about ten minutes after the death. When I went into the room Palmer had in his hand, searching the pockets, the coat which I had seen Cook wear. Palmer also searched under the pillow and bolster. I saw two or three letters lying upon the chimney-piece. I never saw them again, but I was not much in the room afterwards. I had not seen the letters before Cook’s death.

The examination in chief of this witness being concluded, the Court adjourned, at twenty minutes past six o’clock, till next morning, when it met at ten o’clock.

The Most Extraordinary Trial of William Palmer, for the Rugeley Poisonings, which lasted Twelve Days

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