Читать книгу Swetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by women - Anonymous - Страница 3



Enter Loretta, Prologvs.

Table of Contents

The Women are all welcome; for the men,

They will be welcome: our care’s not for them.

’Tis we poore women, that must stand the brunt

Of this dayes try all: we are all accused.

How wee shall cleere our selues, there lyes the doubt.

The men, I know, will laugh, when they shall heare

Vs rayl’d at, and abused; and say, ’Tis well,

We all deserue as much. Let vm laugh on,

Lend but your kind assistance: you shall see

We will not be ore-come with Infamie,

And slanders that we neuer merited.

Be but you patient, I dare boldly say,

(If euer women pleased) weele please to day.

Vouchsafe to reade, I dare presume to say,

Yee shall be pleased; and thinke ’tis a good play.

Swetnam, the Woman-hater, arraigned by women

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