Читать книгу Against Reason - Anthony Barron - Страница 8


Table of Contents


Works Cited




Works by Samuel Beckett

Works by Arthur Schopenhauer

Other Works

Library Archives

Notes on the Text


Definitions + Paradigms

Concepts of Influence

Against Reductionism

Suffering and Solitude

The Hermeneutics of Pain


Chapter 1 The Aesthetics of Ambiguity

Vain Reasonings

The Irreducible Aesthetic

The Primacy of the Percept

The Palliation of Life

Archetypal Visions

Stating the Particular

Between Ennui and Desire

The Proustian Ideal

The Ablation of Desire

The Suffering of Being

The Impenetrable Without

The Ferocious Dilemma of Expression

Chapter 2 Torture by Thought and Trial by Living

Wide Reading—Transformed

Not Just Material

A Son of Adam

The Better Consciousness

The Burden of Existence

Sublime Illusions

Irreducibly Complex

The Sublime Character

Chapter 3 This Strange World

The Accursed Questions

Splendid Incoherence

Burning Illogicality

An Old and Dear Enigma


Stupefying Dilemmas

Chapter 4 Antinomies of Unmarried Love

The Brydell of Reason

The Imponderables of Personality

This Life Disease

Peace That is Higher Than All Reason

The Post-Golgothan Kitty

A Place of Unique Delights

Chapter 5 Lacerated With Curiosity

Words Fail Us

Nothing is Known

Supreme Suffering

A Hell of Unreason

Indeterminable Purport

Unintelligible Intricacies

The Vague Abyss

Conclusion Words Inane / Thought Inane

This Absurd Life

Inexplicable Forces

The Blessed Pus of Reason

Words and Music

Living and Bewildered

Great Confusion No Knowing


All is Strange


Works by Samuel Beckett

Works About Samuel Beckett

Works by Arthur Schopenhauer

Works About Arthur Schopenhauer

General Works



Against Reason

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