Читать книгу Sociology - Anthony Giddens - Страница 107

Chapter review


1 What research methods were used in Humphreys’ research study Tearoom Trade (1970)? Why was this project considered ‘controversial’?

2 Are any of these subjects effectively ‘off-limits’ to sociologists?gender differences in the membership and use of dating appsthe voting intentions of newly eligible voters aged eighteen to nineteenthe extent of elder abuse in care homes.

3 Explain what is meant by each of these: comparative research, developmental research and applied social research.

4 List some ethical issues that sociological researchers need to consider. How are these different to those that face natural scientists?

5 ‘Is sociology a scientific discipline?’ Choose TWO philosophers of science and outline how they answered this question.

6 What is the difference between a correlation and a cause? Provide one example of a genuine causal relationship.

7 ‘Quantitative research can be scientific, qualitative research cannot.’ Explain why this statement is not correct.

8 Give ONE real-world example of an appropriate subject for each of the following methods: ethnography, biographical methods, visual sociology, survey research, historical research.

9 Devise a research strategy involving TWO research methods to investigate the following subjects. What ethical and practical problems do you foresee and how would you overcome them?domestic violence within female same-sex relationshipsthe extent of self-harming behaviour among schoolchildren aged eleven to sixteenthe coping strategies adopted by ‘lifers’ in male prisons.

10 What is meant by digital sociology? What kinds of digital data can be useful for sociologists?


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