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Ecological modernization


For environmentalists, both capitalist and communist forms of modernization have failed. They have delivered wealth and material success, but at the price of massive environmental damage. In recent years, groups of academic social scientists in Western Europe have developed a theoretical perspective called ecological modernization (EMT), which accepts that ‘business as usual’ is no longer possible but also rejects radical environmentalist solutions involving de-industrialization. Instead they focus on technological innovation and the use of market mechanisms to bring about positive outcomes, transforming production methods and reducing pollution at its source.

EMT sees huge potential in the leading European industries to reduce the use of natural resources without this affecting economic growth. This is an unusual position, but it does have a certain logic. Rather than simply rejecting economic growth, proponents argue that an ecological form of growth is theoretically possible. An example is the introduction of catalytic converters and emission controls on motor vehicles, which has been delivered within a short period of time and shows that advanced technologies can make a big difference to greenhouse gas emissions. If environmental protection really can be achieved this way, especially in renewable energy generation and transport, then we can continue to enjoy our high-technology lifestyles.

Ecological modernizers also argue that, if consumers demand environmentally sound production methods and products, market mechanisms will be forced to try and deliver them. Opposition to GM food in Europe (discussed above) is a good example of this idea in practice. Supermarkets have not stocked or pushed the supply of GM foods, because large numbers of consumers have made it clear that they will stay on the shelves.

The theory of ecological modernization sees that five social and institutional structures need to be ecologically transformed:

1 science and technology: to work towards the invention and delivery of sustainable technologies

2 markets and economic agents: to introduce incentives for environmentally benign outcomes

3 nation-states: to shape market conditions which allow this to happen

4 social movements: to put pressure on business and the state to continue moving in an ecological direction

5 ecological ideologies: to assist in persuading more people to get involved in the ecological modernization of society (Mol and Sonnenfeld 2000).


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