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CHAPTER 6 Censuses

Hand in hand with the General Registration records march censuses. Those for 1841-1901 have been indexed on ScotlandsPeople, making them relatively easy to search.

Scotland’s censuses have been taken once every ten years since 1801 (except 1941, due to the Second World War). The most useful for genealogists are those between 1841 and 1901, which are all on www.ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk. The 1881 census is on the site, but instead of images of the returns you can only see a transcription (the originals can be examined on microfilm at the ScotlandsPeople Centre, and printed for a rather steep £8). The way the censuses are indexed on the site varies slightly, the indexes to 1891 and 1901 including ages, making them easier to search than the earlier ones.

Collins Tracing Your Scottish Family History

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