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2.14 Nomenclature for Point Groups and Space Groups
ОглавлениеThe nomenclature we have introduced in this chapter to describe point groups and space groups conforms to a notation known as the Hermann–Mauguin notation arising from the work of Carl Hermann [14] and Charles‐Victor Mauguin [15] and used in the Internationale Tabellen zur Bestimmung von Kristallstrukturen, edited by Hermann and published in 1935. However, another notation for describing point group and space group symmetry is also in common use. This second notation, known as the Schoenflies notation, is named after Arthur Moritz Schoenflies [13]. This latter notation is used in particular in physical chemistry in connection with molecular symmetry and molecular spectroscopy [16], and it is also useful when considering group theoretical aspects of point groups and space groups [17]. The equivalence between the Hermann–Mauguin notation and the Schoenflies notation is discussed in detail by Hans Burzlaff and Helmuth Zimmermann in chapter 3.3 of [3]. The reason why the Hermann–Mauguin notation might be preferred over the Schoenflies notation is neatly summarized by Phillips [2]: ‘each space group symbol [in the Hermann–Mauguin notation] conveys all the essential information, whereas we must always have a catalogue at hand to follow an arbitrary serial numbering such as that of Schoenflies’ (p. 340).